A Software Insider's Point of View

5 Steps to Autonomous Enterprises

Trends: Moving from RPA to Intelligent Autonomous Applications

The Massive Evolution From RPA to Intelligent Autonomous Applications Has Begun The robotic process automation market has helped many clients increase speed, deliver higher accuracy, achieve greater levels of consistency, reduce costs, provide scale, and improve quality. Constellation estimates the market size in 2021 to achieve $2.2B in revenue with a CAGR of 18.8% and growth to $5.07B in 2026. RPA is a technology that enables automation of business processes using software robots "bots".
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Varney & Co 20210202 Amazon Google Fox Business

Digital Giants Market Analysis: Amazon | Alphabet Google Q4 2020 Earnings

Digital giants Amazon and Google report earnings. As pandemic winners, both venerable big tech titans have shown the resiliency of their business models and their ability to enter new monetization models.
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5G Logo

Tuesday's Tip: Six Enterprise Class 5G Use Cases

Widespread Rollout of 5G Will Advance Transformation Projects With 5G roll outs around the world and the consistent marketing over the past five years, the general public has a good understanding of the consumer use cases for 5G such as greater speeds,faster streaming services, more realistic games, and connected vehicles.
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Google Ford Thomas Kurian David McClelland

News Analysis: Ford Chooses Google Cloud as Preferred Cloud Provider And Transformation Partner

Google Amps Up Its Vertical Industry Program With Ford Partnership The Ford Motor Company and Google announced a six-year extensive business and technology partnership. Ford's VP of Strategy, David McClelland clarified that Ford chose Google for:
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Clubhouse Logo

News Analysis: Social Media's Turning Point - Clubhouse

Elon Musk's Tacit Endorsement Puts Clubhouse On The World Stage At about 10:00 pm pacific time tonight, the world will experience a turning point in social media. The text heavy, image heavy social media platforms will be put on alert by an audio only competitor that was released early in February 2020.
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Apple Tim Cook Microsoft Satya Nadella Tesla Elon Musk

Digital Giants Market Analysis: Microsoft | Apple | Tesla Q4 2020 Earnings Hint Strong Growth

The Q4 2020 big tech earnings season started with Netflix and their great numbers.  Apple and Microsoft report on Tuesday their Q4 2020 and all indications seem to show good growth.  Tesla's numbers are officially announced on Wednesday.

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Event Report: The #CES2021 Preview - What's Hot And Useful In The Enterprise

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Research Report: Inside Constellation's 2020 Enterprise Awards

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News Analysis: Celonis Launches Execution Management System

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News Analysis: ServiceNow Gets Serious About AI With Element AI Acquisition

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Monday's Musings: Inside The Post 2020 Election GeoTech Analysis

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Product Review: Apple's M1 MacBook Pro 13"

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