A Software Insider's Point of View https://www.raywang.org/ en Monday's Musings: How To Deliver On Both Performance And Diversity Amidst The DEI Backlash https://www.raywang.org/blog/2024-07/mondays-musings-how-deliver-both-performance-and-diversity-amidst-dei-backlash Monday&#039;s Musings: How To Deliver On Both Performance And Diversity Amidst The DEI Backlash <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-07/%40rwang0%20five%20levels%20of%20performant%20diversity_1.webp?itok=S9-pcuh2 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-07/%40rwang0%20five%20levels%20of%20performant%20diversity_1.png?itok=S9-pcuh2 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-07/%40rwang0%20five%20levels%20of%20performant%20diversity_1.png?itok=S9-pcuh2" alt="The Five Levels Of Performant Diversity" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /> </picture> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><span lang="" about="/user/8" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rwang0</span></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden">Sun, 07/07/2024 - 10:20</span> <div property="schema:articleBody" class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h1>The Backlash On DEI Is Based On Lack Of Performance</h1> <p>The recent backlash on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs stems from both the lack of quantitative data showing how diverse teams improve performance and the discriminatory nature in how these teams were constructed.  In 2015, a "seminal" <a href="http://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey%20Offices/United%20Kingdom/PDFs/Diversity_matters_2014.ashx">McKinsey study</a> lauded the dividends to be gained from diversity.  The well meaning Davos set used this study to launch a movement for diversity, resulting in hundreds of billions spent on diversity programs across businesses, the public sector, and non-profits over the past decade.</p> <p>Why? In that 2015 study, McKinsey's researchers focused on superficial diversity metrics of gender, ethnic, and racial makeup of top management teams and boards across a number of industries in 2014.  They then took an analysis of EBITDA between 2010 and 2013 and came to the conclusion that businesses with more gender diverse leadership were 15% more likely to report financial returns above their national industry median.  Teams with more ethnic diversity were 35% more likely to have financial return that outpaced their industry.</p> <p>Unfortunately, the amount of investment and efforts have not financially paid off and since 2020, companies have cut back on investment into diversity programs. Furthermore, the landmark McKinsey study has never been replicated and the results are now in question.  The backlash has been well documented in a series of media reports:</p> <ul><li><a href="https://www.wsj.com/business/c-suite/chief-diversity-officer-cdo-business-corporations-e110a82f">July 21, 2023 - The Wall Street Journal - The Rise And Fall Of The Chief Diversity Officer</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/14/opinion/dei-diversity-unconstitutional.html">January 14, 2024 - The New York Times - This Is The Actual Danger Posed By DEI</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/17/opinion/dei-trainings-effective.html">January 17, 2024 - The New York Times - What If Diversity Training Is Doing More Harm Than Good?</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/01/20/us/dei-woke-claremont-institute.html">January 20, 2024 - The New York Times - America Is Under Attack - Inside The 'Anti DEI' Crusade</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/22/business/diversity-backlash-fortune-500-companies.html">January 22, 2024 - The New York Times - Facing Backlash, Some Corporate Leaders Go 'Under The Radar' With Diversity Initiatives</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/12/us/diversity-ban-dei-college.html">April 12, 2024 - The New York Times - With State Bans On DEI, Some Universities Are Finding A Work Around: Rebranding</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.wsj.com/business/diversity-goals-are-disappearing-from-companies-annual-reports-459d1ef3">April 21, 2024 - The Wall Street Journal - Diversity Goals Are Disappearing From Companies Annual Reports</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/05/13/university-of-north-carolina-to-dump-divisive-dei-spend-on-safety/73677765007/">May 13, 2024 - USA Today - University of North Carolina To Dump 'Divisive DEI', Spend Money On Public Safety</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.wsj.com/business/dei-programs-slowing-pwc-mckinsey-kirkland-ellis-d48e6234?mod=Searchresults_pos10&amp;page=1">June 24, 2024 - The Wall Street Journal - Banks, Law, and Consulting Firms Are Watering Down Their Diversity Recruiting Programs</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.wsj.com/finance/investing/diversity-was-supposed-to-make-us-rich-not-so-much-39da6a23?mod=Searchresults_pos1&amp;page=1">June 28, 2024 - The Wall Street Journal - Diversity Was Supposed To Make Us Rich, Not So Much</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.wsj.com/business/retail/how-tractor-supply-decided-to-end-dei-and-fast-16b45803">June 30, 2024 - The Wall Street Journal - How Tractor Supply Decided To End DEI and Fast</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-dei-becomes-discrimination-academia-higher-education-research-race-1e411be4?mod=Searchresults_pos4&amp;page=1">July 5, 2024 - The Wall Street Journal - How DEI Became Discrimination</a></li> </ul><h1>What You Measure Matters In High Performing Diverse Teams</h1> <p>The push back on diversity goals and reduction in investments is a reflection on the lack of promised gains.  However, the failure of these programs is based on a fundamental flaw - how diversity was defined and how identity politics failed to address performance from diversity.  In fact, diversity was often defined by external factors of gender, ethnic, and racial make up.  These attributes of diversity are often out of the control of the individual.  One does not choose their gender nor race nor ethnicity.  In fact most employees recognized this flaw that addressing diversity based on external factors did not achieve the spirit of diversity</p> <p>For example, if the goal is to provide more opportunities for disadvantaged youth to attend elite colleges, preferences by race should not be the factor.  Why? A very wealthy fourth generation, well connected, and educated child in one racial classification would benefit at the expense of the intent of the policy. Using first time college families would be a better approach to achieving the spirit of providing more opportunities for first time higher education families without using race and achieving diversity. </p> <p>In the corporate world, diversity of thought provides a key role in accelerating performance.  For instance, successful innovation teams with a majority of STEM folks (e.g. engineers, scientists, and mathematicians) know that they need a balance of humanities experts (e.g. ethnographers, sociologists, philosophers, and historians).  This balance of perspectives and level of diversity is critical especially with the rise of artificial intelligence and the need to ensure a holistic point of view to address unintended consequences and biases. However, there is an assumption that these members of diverse teams have achieved a level of competency and mastery in their profession, unlike many of the external and superficial definitions of diversity in corporate DEI programs.</p> <h1>Apply The Five Levels Of Diversity When Hiring For Performance</h1> <p>In over 100 conversations with CXO's in the Constellation Executive Network over the past 12 months, a realization that broader measures of diversity can address the performance gap in Level 1 diversity program design.  Success will require a flip in the prioritization of diversity from Level 1 external/superficial factors to Level 5 prioritization (see Figure 1)</p> <p><strong>SUPERFICIAL EXTERNAL FACTORS APPROACH</strong></p> <p>In many DEI programs today, leaders start with Level 1 as the key filter.  This has led to the lack of performance and backlash.</p> <ul><li><strong>Level 1 External/Superficial Factors</strong>: attributes out of one's control such as race gender, and ethnicity.</li> <li><strong>Level 2 Competencies</strong>: attributes earned such as hard skills, educational background, and training</li> <li><strong>Level 3 Experiences</strong>: attributes based on years of experience such as duration in a role, advancement in a profession</li> <li><strong>Level 4 Performance</strong>: attributes based on success in past roles</li> <li><strong>Level 5 Values:</strong> attributes based on core principles, values, and beliefs</li> </ul><p><strong>FLIP THE PYRAMID APPROACH</strong></p> <p>By flipping the pyramid and starting with Level 5, organizations will improve both diversity and performance:</p> <ul><li><strong>Level 5 Values</strong>: attributes based on core principles, values, and beliefs</li> <li><strong>Level 4 Performance</strong>: attributes based on success in past roles</li> <li><strong>Level 3 Experiences: </strong>attributes based on years of experience such as duration in a role, advancement in a profession</li> <li><strong>Level 2 Competencies</strong>: attributes earned such as hard skills, educational background, and training</li> <li><strong>Level 1 External/Superficial Factors</strong>: attributes out of one's control such as race gender, and ethnicity.</li> </ul><p><strong>Figure 1. The Five Levels Of Performant Diversity</strong></p> <article class="media media--type-image media--view-mode-default" data-align="center"><picture><source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-07/%40rwang0%20flip%20the%20pyramdi%20-%20five%20levels%20of%20performant%20diversity.webp?itok=AEWNykRk 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"></source><source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-07/%40rwang0%20flip%20the%20pyramdi%20-%20five%20levels%20of%20performant%20diversity.png?itok=AEWNykRk 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"></source><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-07/%40rwang0%20flip%20the%20pyramdi%20-%20five%20levels%20of%20performant%20diversity.png?itok=AEWNykRk" alt="Flip The Pyramid On The Five Levels Of Performant Diversity" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /></picture></article><h1>The Bottom Line: Apply A More Comprehensive Approach For Performant Diversity</h1> <p>Achieve performant diversity by starting with Level 5 Values and working through each level in hiring decisions and performance evaluations.  Move from Level 5 to Level 1 as one measures diversity among all five attributes.  Track patterns of performance and deficiency to understand how to align diversity with financial objectives, innovation goals, and regulatory requirements</p> <h1>Your POV</h1> <p>How are you achieving high performance teams with diversity? What are you doing to improve opportunities?</p> <p>Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com</a> or<a href="mailto:[email protected]"> R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org.</a> Please let us know if you need help with your strategy efforts. Here’s how we can assist:</p> <ul><li>Developing your metaverse and digital business strategy</li> <li>Connecting with other pioneers</li> <li>Sharing best practices</li> <li>Vendor selection</li> <li>Implementation partner selection</li> <li>Providing contract negotiations and software licensing support</li> <li>Demystifying software licensing</li> </ul><p>Reprints can be purchased through Constellation Research, Inc. To request official reprints in PDF format, please contact <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a></strong>.</p> <h1><strong>Disclosures</strong></h1> <p>Although we work closely with many mega software vendors, we want you to trust us. For the full disclosure policy,stay tuned for the full client list on the <a href="http://www.constellationrg.com/clients">Constellation Research website</a>. * Not responsible for any factual errors or omissions.  However, happy to correct any errors upon email receipt.</p> <p>Constellation Research recommends that readers consult a stock professional for their investment guidance. Investors should understand the potential conflicts of interest analysts might face. Constellation does not underwrite or own the securities of the companies the analysts cover. Analysts themselves sometimes own stocks in the companies they cover—either directly or indirectly, such as through employee stock-purchase pools in which they and their colleagues participate. As a general matter, investors should not rely solely on an analyst’s recommendation when deciding whether to buy, hold, or sell a stock. Instead, they should also do their own research—such as reading the prospectus for new companies or for public companies, the quarterly and annual reports filed with the SEC—to confirm whether a particular investment is appropriate for them in light of their individual financial circumstances.</p> <p>Copyright © 2001 – 2024 R Wang and Insider Associates, LLC All rights reserved.</p> <p>Contact the <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a> </strong>team to purchase this report on a a la carte basis or join the Constellation Executive Network</p> </div> Sun, 07 Jul 2024 17:20:48 +0000 rwang0 23102 at https://www.raywang.org Cupertino Ray Wang Ray R Wang @rwang0 R 'Ray' Wang Software Insider Insider Associates Everybody Wants To Rule The World decision velocity Digital giants data to decisions. Monday's Musings Constellation Research Disney Q1 Earnings 2022 streaming amazon prime Apple Netflix HBO Max Paramount Hulu Discovery earnings Davos World Economic Forum WEF22 @wef @davos Five I's Inflation Interest Rates Inventory Invastion Infection Klaus Schwab CEO Boardroom Worldwide Developer Conference WWDC WWDC22 mac iOS m2 mac air Watch OS iOs16 Wall papers messages LIve Text Shareplay Maps Family Sharing iCloud HomeKit Watch OS9 health app Stage Manager Search Safari Gaming Metal 3 Facetime with iPHone rapid security response XCode Cloud Apple Park Monday's Musings Great Refactoring Economy PESTEL Nviida Siemens Metaverse Industrial Roland Busch Jensen Huang Merck Group GT Rail UK BMW AT&T Physics-Based Digital Twins Digital Twins Photo Realistic Digital Twins Omniverse Metaverse Economy Constelaltion Research Microsoft Tesla nVidia Alphabet Google Amazon Facebook Snap Meta Instagram Twitter TikTok Rule The World big tech Stocks market Fox Business @foxbusiness Varney and Co Stuart Varney Keith Fitzgerald Oracle Adobe SalesForce.com IBM servicenow Snowflake Atlassian Crowdstrike Fortinet Palo Alto Networks R ' Ray' Wang Zuora Zephr digital monetizations paywall subscriptions Identity management dynamic paywalls entitlement management mergers acquisitions payments Commerce digital transformation Chief Digital Officer Figma Disintermediate mergers and acquisitions collaboration design digital whiteboard figjam figma design process future of work Adobe XD design experience $ADBE News Analysis New Analysis MATANA Q2 2022 NASDAQ R @constellationr Insider Associates LLC intel FAANG Activision Lina Khan $69 B call of duty overwatch candy crush mergers and acquistion acquisition anti-trust FTC Amaxon aws Amazon Web Services Cloud public cloud IBM Security Roger Premo Kate Wooley las vegas reInvent #reInvent CIO CDO CTO CMO< CEO rat wang WEF Davos 2023 Sustainability DEI globalization great reset fragmentation Constellation Research Inc. event report Honyewell Upland Unstoppable Domoains Wipro Mobeus WEF23 Davos Agenda SAP Data Driven Digital Networks Market Reset DisrupTV Tech Layoffs Silicon Valley Tech Hubs Opportunity Zones Flight from California ChatGTP large language models LLM Google Bard Bard AI Bing Open AI AI artificial intelligence Stabile Diffusion mid journey DALL-E2 Softwrae Insider Silicon Valley Bank unrealized losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities. IPO Market Bank Crisis The Federal Reserve Adobe Firefly Adobe Summit Generative AI Stable Diffusion Chat GPT Creativity Adobe Sensei diffusion models customer experience content creation content velocity content supply chain ChatGPT CX Insider's Associate marketing sales service Advertising Next Generation Customer Experience StabilityAI synthetic data GPT DALL-E OpenAI Dreambooth by Google Imagen Lensa Midjourney analytics digital ads social networks digital business models digital monetization models Cognizant HCLTech Infosys TCS Tata Consulting Services Tech Mahindra Ravi Kumar S Thierry Delaporte Salil Parekh K Krithivasan C Vijayakumar CVK Vijay Mohit Joshi IT Services Global Indian Firms services Q4 Earnings Global Slow Down operational efficiency regulatory compliance automation Cyber security Contract Negotiations vendor consolidation Hexagon AB digital reality solutions Caesar's Forum customer conference mines farms industrial and facilities defense cities and nations buildings infrastructure manufacturing autonomous mobility AI Generative AI Sundar Pichai Tim Cook Satya Nadella Mark Zuckerberg #AI Risks Reinvent Futures @reinventnet Peter Leyden @peteleyden Joe Boggio @boggiojoe Jerry Kaplan @jerry_kaplan Eli Chen @elichen Eric Shaotran @eshaotran Fiona Ma @fionama De Kai @dekai123 Daniel Erasmus @danielerasmus Gary A Bolles @gbolles Dazza Greenwood @dazzageenwod Brian Behlendorf @brianbehlendorf CC Gong @ccgong White and Case @whitecase Earl Comstock Shack15 Cerebal Valley Revenue Operations Revops Revenue Intelligence Sales Enagement SFA salesforce automation Legacy CRM Next Generation CX Sales and Marketing Chief Revenue Officers Trends Canopy Chorus Gong Introhive PeopleAI ZoomInfo Aviso Boostup Clari Fullcast.io InsightSquared Kluster MoData OpenPrise Groove Marketo outreach RevenueGrid Salesloft HubSpot Microsoft Dynamics salesforce Chief AI Officer CAIO New CSuite Artificial Intellgience ML Andy Thurai Research Summary Sam Altman @sama Greg Brockman Coup Tech Wars Stock Valuation Emmett Shear Mira Murati Ilya Sutskever effective altruism Tech IPO The Boring Company Elon Musk NeuraLink Starlink SpaceX ScaleAI Reddit Canva Discord Stripe Shein Databricks ARM Startups big idea Return on Transformation Investment RTI Survey CXO Confidence WEF24 2024 trust Rebuilding Trust artifical intelligence hypocrisy elites populists Trusted Trusted AI data mastery post-AI FOMO POC Budgeted AI Data Scarcity Data Collective Dark Ages Cognitive Era Copilot finance ERP Launch Public Preview Charles Lamanna Emily He Georg Glantschnig Age of AI pyramid diamond Staffing @rwang Culture of Scarcity Culture of Abundance Decentralized Centralized Data Inc. @nvidia GTC24 San Jose Micron Super Micro dell AMD R 'Ray Fake Media Paid Media Fake Analysts Unethical Behavior Bad Actors TSMC Broadcom Tencent Samsung ASML Qualcom Margin Compression AI Arbitrage UI Path Disruption Make Way rimini street IBM AI Think Inc. Geneative AI Mistral Hugging Face OpenMicrosoft Saudi Arvind Krishna HPE C3 Palantir augmentation acceleration agents advisors GenAI Artifiical Intelligence performant diversity Diversity equity inclusion values performance experiences competencies superficial external Monday's Musings: Progress Through The Five A's of AI https://www.raywang.org/blog/2024-06/mondays-musings-progress-through-five-ai Monday&#039;s Musings: Progress Through The Five A&#039;s of AI <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-06/%40rwang0%205As%20of%20AI%20progression.webp?itok=qUrsXwEV 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-06/%40rwang0%205As%20of%20AI%20progression.png?itok=qUrsXwEV 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-06/%40rwang0%205As%20of%20AI%20progression.png?itok=qUrsXwEV" alt="The Five A&#039;s of AI @rwang0" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /> </picture> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><span lang="" about="/user/8" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rwang0</span></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden">Mon, 06/24/2024 - 06:00</span> <div property="schema:articleBody" class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h1>Take A Measured Approach To AI Adoption</h1> <p>The rush to AI projects often comes as an all or nothing approach. However, lessons learned from Constellation's Executive Network (CEN) members show a gradual and measured approach.  Constellation sees five phases to adoption from both a business and cultural point of view:</p> <ol><li><strong>Augmentation. </strong>Organizations begin by finding tasks that benefit from augmenting existing work flows and learning where exceptions are needed.</li> <li><strong>Acceleration.  </strong>As more data is taken into consideration and training improves, false positives and false negatives are worked out to accelerate progress.</li> <li><strong>Automation.  </strong>Once a level of confidence has been achieved as more data points are assimilated, organizations can act with confidence towards automation.</li> <li><strong>Agent.  </strong>Automated agents play a role in improving personalization at scale.</li> <li><strong>Advisor.  </strong>Advisors can provide capabilities in prevention and prediction built on the overall accumulated knowledge and insight from the business graph.</li> </ol><h1>The Bottom Line: Three Questions To Ask Before Your AI Project Goes Public</h1> <p>AI projects have amazing potential, yet they must meet the following three question tests before impacting external stakeholders such as customers, partners, and suppliers.  Ask these three questions as a test before putting your AI project into the wild:</p> <ol><li>Do you have enough data to achieve a level of precision that your stakeholders will trust?</li> <li>When and where will you insert a human?</li> <li>Who do you sue if something goes wrong?</li> </ol><h1>Your POV</h1> <p>How far along are you with your AI projects?  Are you ready to put these into full production?  What risks have you mitigated?</p> <p>Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com</a> or<a href="mailto:[email protected]"> R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org.</a> Please let us know if you need help with your strategy efforts. Here’s how we can assist:</p> <ul><li>Developing your metaverse and digital business strategy</li> <li>Connecting with other pioneers</li> <li>Sharing best practices</li> <li>Vendor selection</li> <li>Implementation partner selection</li> <li>Providing contract negotiations and software licensing support</li> <li>Demystifying software licensing</li> </ul><p>Reprints can be purchased through Constellation Research, Inc. To request official reprints in PDF format, please contact <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a></strong>.</p> <h1><strong>Disclosures</strong></h1> <p>Although we work closely with many mega software vendors, we want you to trust us. For the full disclosure policy,stay tuned for the full client list on the <a href="http://www.constellationrg.com/clients">Constellation Research website</a>. * Not responsible for any factual errors or omissions.  However, happy to correct any errors upon email receipt.</p> <p>Constellation Research recommends that readers consult a stock professional for their investment guidance. Investors should understand the potential conflicts of interest analysts might face. Constellation does not underwrite or own the securities of the companies the analysts cover. Analysts themselves sometimes own stocks in the companies they cover—either directly or indirectly, such as through employee stock-purchase pools in which they and their colleagues participate. As a general matter, investors should not rely solely on an analyst’s recommendation when deciding whether to buy, hold, or sell a stock. Instead, they should also do their own research—such as reading the prospectus for new companies or for public companies, the quarterly and annual reports filed with the SEC—to confirm whether a particular investment is appropriate for them in light of their individual financial circumstances.</p> <p>Copyright © 2001 – 2024 R Wang and Insider Associates, LLC All rights reserved.</p> <p>Contact the <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a> </strong>team to purchase this report on a a la carte basis or join the Constellation Executive Network</p> </div> Mon, 24 Jun 2024 13:00:31 +0000 rwang0 23084 at https://www.raywang.org Cupertino Ray Wang Ray R Wang @rwang0 R 'Ray' Wang Software Insider Insider Associates Everybody Wants To Rule The World decision velocity Digital giants data to decisions. Monday's Musings Constellation Research Disney Q1 Earnings 2022 streaming amazon prime Apple Netflix HBO Max Paramount Hulu Discovery earnings Davos World Economic Forum WEF22 @wef @davos Five I's Inflation Interest Rates Inventory Invastion Infection Klaus Schwab CEO Boardroom Worldwide Developer Conference WWDC WWDC22 mac iOS m2 mac air Watch OS iOs16 Wall papers messages LIve Text Shareplay Maps Family Sharing iCloud HomeKit Watch OS9 health app Stage Manager Search Safari Gaming Metal 3 Facetime with iPHone rapid security response XCode Cloud Apple Park Monday's Musings Great Refactoring Economy PESTEL Nviida Siemens Metaverse Industrial Roland Busch Jensen Huang Merck Group GT Rail UK BMW AT&T Physics-Based Digital Twins Digital Twins Photo Realistic Digital Twins Omniverse Metaverse Economy Constelaltion Research Microsoft Tesla nVidia Alphabet Google Amazon Facebook Snap Meta Instagram Twitter TikTok Rule The World big tech Stocks market Fox Business @foxbusiness Varney and Co Stuart Varney Keith Fitzgerald Oracle Adobe SalesForce.com IBM servicenow Snowflake Atlassian Crowdstrike Fortinet Palo Alto Networks R ' Ray' Wang Zuora Zephr digital monetizations paywall subscriptions Identity management dynamic paywalls entitlement management mergers acquisitions payments Commerce digital transformation Chief Digital Officer Figma Disintermediate mergers and acquisitions collaboration design digital whiteboard figjam figma design process future of work Adobe XD design experience $ADBE News Analysis New Analysis MATANA Q2 2022 NASDAQ R @constellationr Insider Associates LLC intel FAANG Activision Lina Khan $69 B call of duty overwatch candy crush mergers and acquistion acquisition anti-trust FTC Amaxon aws Amazon Web Services Cloud public cloud IBM Security Roger Premo Kate Wooley las vegas reInvent #reInvent CIO CDO CTO CMO< CEO rat wang WEF Davos 2023 Sustainability DEI globalization great reset fragmentation Constellation Research Inc. event report Honyewell Upland Unstoppable Domoains Wipro Mobeus WEF23 Davos Agenda SAP Data Driven Digital Networks Market Reset DisrupTV Tech Layoffs Silicon Valley Tech Hubs Opportunity Zones Flight from California ChatGTP large language models LLM Google Bard Bard AI Bing Open AI AI artificial intelligence Stabile Diffusion mid journey DALL-E2 Softwrae Insider Silicon Valley Bank unrealized losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities. IPO Market Bank Crisis The Federal Reserve Adobe Firefly Adobe Summit Generative AI Stable Diffusion Chat GPT Creativity Adobe Sensei diffusion models customer experience content creation content velocity content supply chain ChatGPT CX Insider's Associate marketing sales service Advertising Next Generation Customer Experience StabilityAI synthetic data GPT DALL-E OpenAI Dreambooth by Google Imagen Lensa Midjourney analytics digital ads social networks digital business models digital monetization models Cognizant HCLTech Infosys TCS Tata Consulting Services Tech Mahindra Ravi Kumar S Thierry Delaporte Salil Parekh K Krithivasan C Vijayakumar CVK Vijay Mohit Joshi IT Services Global Indian Firms services Q4 Earnings Global Slow Down operational efficiency regulatory compliance automation Cyber security Contract Negotiations vendor consolidation Hexagon AB digital reality solutions Caesar's Forum customer conference mines farms industrial and facilities defense cities and nations buildings infrastructure manufacturing autonomous mobility AI Generative AI Sundar Pichai Tim Cook Satya Nadella Mark Zuckerberg #AI Risks Reinvent Futures @reinventnet Peter Leyden @peteleyden Joe Boggio @boggiojoe Jerry Kaplan @jerry_kaplan Eli Chen @elichen Eric Shaotran @eshaotran Fiona Ma @fionama De Kai @dekai123 Daniel Erasmus @danielerasmus Gary A Bolles @gbolles Dazza Greenwood @dazzageenwod Brian Behlendorf @brianbehlendorf CC Gong @ccgong White and Case @whitecase Earl Comstock Shack15 Cerebal Valley Revenue Operations Revops Revenue Intelligence Sales Enagement SFA salesforce automation Legacy CRM Next Generation CX Sales and Marketing Chief Revenue Officers Trends Canopy Chorus Gong Introhive PeopleAI ZoomInfo Aviso Boostup Clari Fullcast.io InsightSquared Kluster MoData OpenPrise Groove Marketo outreach RevenueGrid Salesloft HubSpot Microsoft Dynamics salesforce Chief AI Officer CAIO New CSuite Artificial Intellgience ML Andy Thurai Research Summary Sam Altman @sama Greg Brockman Coup Tech Wars Stock Valuation Emmett Shear Mira Murati Ilya Sutskever effective altruism Tech IPO The Boring Company Elon Musk NeuraLink Starlink SpaceX ScaleAI Reddit Canva Discord Stripe Shein Databricks ARM Startups big idea Return on Transformation Investment RTI Survey CXO Confidence WEF24 2024 trust Rebuilding Trust artifical intelligence hypocrisy elites populists Trusted Trusted AI data mastery post-AI FOMO POC Budgeted AI Data Scarcity Data Collective Dark Ages Cognitive Era Copilot finance ERP Launch Public Preview Charles Lamanna Emily He Georg Glantschnig Age of AI pyramid diamond Staffing @rwang Culture of Scarcity Culture of Abundance Decentralized Centralized Data Inc. @nvidia GTC24 San Jose Micron Super Micro dell AMD R 'Ray Fake Media Paid Media Fake Analysts Unethical Behavior Bad Actors TSMC Broadcom Tencent Samsung ASML Qualcom Margin Compression AI Arbitrage UI Path Disruption Make Way rimini street IBM AI Think Inc. Geneative AI Mistral Hugging Face OpenMicrosoft Saudi Arvind Krishna HPE C3 Palantir augmentation acceleration agents advisors GenAI News Analysis: Only A Few Companies Will Win In Fueling The Age of AI https://www.raywang.org/blog/2024-06/news-analysis-only-few-companies-will-win-fueling-age-ai News Analysis: Only A Few Companies Will Win In Fueling The Age of AI <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-06/%40rwang0%20%40cnbc%20%40beckyquick%20%40nvidia%2020240624.webp?itok=5E13-p8e 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-06/%40rwang0%20%40cnbc%20%40beckyquick%20%40nvidia%2020240624.png?itok=5E13-p8e 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-06/%40rwang0%20%40cnbc%20%40beckyquick%20%40nvidia%2020240624.png?itok=5E13-p8e" alt="@rwang0 Becky Quick CNBC Nvidia" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /> </picture> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><span lang="" about="/user/8" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rwang0</span></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden">Fri, 06/21/2024 - 22:58</span> <div property="schema:articleBody" class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><script type="text/javascript" src="https://video.foxbusiness.com/v/embed.js?id=6355436296112&amp;w=466&amp;h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="https://www.foxbusiness.com">foxbusiness.com</a></noscript> <h1>AI Begins And Ends With Nvidia</h1> <p>Despite the massive buzz on AI, only a few core companies that power the Age of AI will succeed. The high capital costs of research and development investment, the time required to take a product to market, and the ability to cross competitive moats create a massive barrier to entry.  In fact, only a few vendors have shown significant profits in AI:</p> <ul><li>Nvidia</li> <li>Adobe</li> <li>TSMC</li> <li>Oracle</li> <li>HPE</li> <li>C3</li> <li>Palantir</li> </ul><p>Given the level of investment by Meta, Microsoft and Google, expect these vendors to show significant revenues in the next three to four quarters.</p> <h1>Nvidia's Success Is Built On Seven Moats</h1> <p><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:&quot;Aptos&quot;,sans-serif">Nvidia is the foundational stock in the Age of AI.  CEO Jensen Huang intends to achieve vertically integrated domination from silicon to software through partnerships and direct routes to market.  Unlike the PC age where Microsoft, Intel, and Cisco served as a triumvirate foundational players, this new era will have new players all tied back to Nvidia. </span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:&quot;Aptos&quot;,sans-serif">Constellation believes that Nvidia has seven moats that will drive the company's success:</span></span></p> <ol><li><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:&quot;Aptos&quot;,sans-serif">Visionary founder-led CEO</span></span></li> <li><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:&quot;Aptos&quot;,sans-serif">High barrier to entry in the chip market</span></span></li> <li><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="font-family:&quot;Aptos&quot;,sans-serif">High switching costs, especially the CUDA software layer</span></span></li> <li>Dominant market share</li> <li>Strong product roadmap and research bench</li> <li>GPU is the default standard for AI inference and training</li> <li>Growth numbers don't lie with gross margins of 78%</li> </ol><h1>Your POV</h1> <p>Who do you think are the winners in the Age of AI? Do you think Nvidia will maintain its dominance in the market?</p> <p>Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com</a> or<a href="mailto:[email protected]"> R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org.</a> Please let us know if you need help with your strategy efforts. Here’s how we can assist:</p> <ul><li>Developing your metaverse and digital business strategy</li> <li>Connecting with other pioneers</li> <li>Sharing best practices</li> <li>Vendor selection</li> <li>Implementation partner selection</li> <li>Providing contract negotiations and software licensing support</li> <li>Demystifying software licensing</li> </ul><p>Reprints can be purchased through Constellation Research, Inc. To request official reprints in PDF format, please contact <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a></strong>.</p> <h1><strong>Disclosures</strong></h1> <p>Although we work closely with many mega software vendors, we want you to trust us. For the full disclosure policy,stay tuned for the full client list on the <a href="http://www.constellationrg.com/clients">Constellation Research website</a>. * Not responsible for any factual errors or omissions.  However, happy to correct any errors upon email receipt.</p> <p>Constellation Research recommends that readers consult a stock professional for their investment guidance. Investors should understand the potential conflicts of interest analysts might face. Constellation does not underwrite or own the securities of the companies the analysts cover. Analysts themselves sometimes own stocks in the companies they cover—either directly or indirectly, such as through employee stock-purchase pools in which they and their colleagues participate. As a general matter, investors should not rely solely on an analyst’s recommendation when deciding whether to buy, hold, or sell a stock. Instead, they should also do their own research—such as reading the prospectus for new companies or for public companies, the quarterly and annual reports filed with the SEC—to confirm whether a particular investment is appropriate for them in light of their individual financial circumstances.</p> <p>Copyright © 2001 – 2024 R Wang and Insider Associates, LLC All rights reserved.</p> <p>Contact the <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a> </strong>team to purchase this report on a a la carte basis or join the Constellation Executive Network</p> </div> Sat, 22 Jun 2024 05:58:50 +0000 rwang0 23082 at https://www.raywang.org Cupertino Ray Wang Ray R Wang @rwang0 R 'Ray' Wang Software Insider Insider Associates Everybody Wants To Rule The World decision velocity Digital giants data to decisions. Monday's Musings Constellation Research Disney Q1 Earnings 2022 streaming amazon prime Apple Netflix HBO Max Paramount Hulu Discovery earnings Davos World Economic Forum WEF22 @wef @davos Five I's Inflation Interest Rates Inventory Invastion Infection Klaus Schwab CEO Boardroom Worldwide Developer Conference WWDC WWDC22 mac iOS m2 mac air Watch OS iOs16 Wall papers messages LIve Text Shareplay Maps Family Sharing iCloud HomeKit Watch OS9 health app Stage Manager Search Safari Gaming Metal 3 Facetime with iPHone rapid security response XCode Cloud Apple Park Monday's Musings Great Refactoring Economy PESTEL Nviida Siemens Metaverse Industrial Roland Busch Jensen Huang Merck Group GT Rail UK BMW AT&T Physics-Based Digital Twins Digital Twins Photo Realistic Digital Twins Omniverse Metaverse Economy Constelaltion Research Microsoft Tesla nVidia Alphabet Google Amazon Facebook Snap Meta Instagram Twitter TikTok Rule The World big tech Stocks market Fox Business @foxbusiness Varney and Co Stuart Varney Keith Fitzgerald Oracle Adobe SalesForce.com IBM servicenow Snowflake Atlassian Crowdstrike Fortinet Palo Alto Networks R ' Ray' Wang Zuora Zephr digital monetizations paywall subscriptions Identity management dynamic paywalls entitlement management mergers acquisitions payments Commerce digital transformation Chief Digital Officer Figma Disintermediate mergers and acquisitions collaboration design digital whiteboard figjam figma design process future of work Adobe XD design experience $ADBE News Analysis New Analysis MATANA Q2 2022 NASDAQ R @constellationr Insider Associates LLC intel FAANG Activision Lina Khan $69 B call of duty overwatch candy crush mergers and acquistion acquisition anti-trust FTC Amaxon aws Amazon Web Services Cloud public cloud IBM Security Roger Premo Kate Wooley las vegas reInvent #reInvent CIO CDO CTO CMO< CEO rat wang WEF Davos 2023 Sustainability DEI globalization great reset fragmentation Constellation Research Inc. event report Honyewell Upland Unstoppable Domoains Wipro Mobeus WEF23 Davos Agenda SAP Data Driven Digital Networks Market Reset DisrupTV Tech Layoffs Silicon Valley Tech Hubs Opportunity Zones Flight from California ChatGTP large language models LLM Google Bard Bard AI Bing Open AI AI artificial intelligence Stabile Diffusion mid journey DALL-E2 Softwrae Insider Silicon Valley Bank unrealized losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities. IPO Market Bank Crisis The Federal Reserve Adobe Firefly Adobe Summit Generative AI Stable Diffusion Chat GPT Creativity Adobe Sensei diffusion models customer experience content creation content velocity content supply chain ChatGPT CX Insider's Associate marketing sales service Advertising Next Generation Customer Experience StabilityAI synthetic data GPT DALL-E OpenAI Dreambooth by Google Imagen Lensa Midjourney analytics digital ads social networks digital business models digital monetization models Cognizant HCLTech Infosys TCS Tata Consulting Services Tech Mahindra Ravi Kumar S Thierry Delaporte Salil Parekh K Krithivasan C Vijayakumar CVK Vijay Mohit Joshi IT Services Global Indian Firms services Q4 Earnings Global Slow Down operational efficiency regulatory compliance automation Cyber security Contract Negotiations vendor consolidation Hexagon AB digital reality solutions Caesar's Forum customer conference mines farms industrial and facilities defense cities and nations buildings infrastructure manufacturing autonomous mobility AI Generative AI Sundar Pichai Tim Cook Satya Nadella Mark Zuckerberg #AI Risks Reinvent Futures @reinventnet Peter Leyden @peteleyden Joe Boggio @boggiojoe Jerry Kaplan @jerry_kaplan Eli Chen @elichen Eric Shaotran @eshaotran Fiona Ma @fionama De Kai @dekai123 Daniel Erasmus @danielerasmus Gary A Bolles @gbolles Dazza Greenwood @dazzageenwod Brian Behlendorf @brianbehlendorf CC Gong @ccgong White and Case @whitecase Earl Comstock Shack15 Cerebal Valley Revenue Operations Revops Revenue Intelligence Sales Enagement SFA salesforce automation Legacy CRM Next Generation CX Sales and Marketing Chief Revenue Officers Trends Canopy Chorus Gong Introhive PeopleAI ZoomInfo Aviso Boostup Clari Fullcast.io InsightSquared Kluster MoData OpenPrise Groove Marketo outreach RevenueGrid Salesloft HubSpot Microsoft Dynamics salesforce Chief AI Officer CAIO New CSuite Artificial Intellgience ML Andy Thurai Research Summary Sam Altman @sama Greg Brockman Coup Tech Wars Stock Valuation Emmett Shear Mira Murati Ilya Sutskever effective altruism Tech IPO The Boring Company Elon Musk NeuraLink Starlink SpaceX ScaleAI Reddit Canva Discord Stripe Shein Databricks ARM Startups big idea Return on Transformation Investment RTI Survey CXO Confidence WEF24 2024 trust Rebuilding Trust artifical intelligence hypocrisy elites populists Trusted Trusted AI data mastery post-AI FOMO POC Budgeted AI Data Scarcity Data Collective Dark Ages Cognitive Era Copilot finance ERP Launch Public Preview Charles Lamanna Emily He Georg Glantschnig Age of AI pyramid diamond Staffing @rwang Culture of Scarcity Culture of Abundance Decentralized Centralized Data Inc. @nvidia GTC24 San Jose Micron Super Micro dell AMD R 'Ray Fake Media Paid Media Fake Analysts Unethical Behavior Bad Actors TSMC Broadcom Tencent Samsung ASML Qualcom Margin Compression AI Arbitrage UI Path Disruption Make Way rimini street IBM AI Think Inc. Geneative AI Mistral Hugging Face OpenMicrosoft Saudi Arvind Krishna HPE C3 Palantir Event Report: IBM Think Accelerates Accessible Gen AI For Clients https://www.raywang.org/blog/2024-05/event-report-ibm-think-accelerates-accessible-gen-ai-clients Event Report: IBM Think Accelerates Accessible Gen AI For Clients <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-06/%40rwang0%20%40ibm%20%23ibmthink%20%402024%20%40arvindkrishna.webp?itok=naa6rPjq 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-06/%40rwang0%20%40ibm%20%23ibmthink%20%402024%20%40arvindkrishna.png?itok=naa6rPjq 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-06/%40rwang0%20%40ibm%20%23ibmthink%20%402024%20%40arvindkrishna.png?itok=naa6rPjq" alt="IBM Think Arvind Krishna" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /> </picture> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><span lang="" about="/user/8" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rwang0</span></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden">Fri, 05/24/2024 - 18:39</span> <div property="schema:articleBody" class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><div class="shrink-0 aspect-ratio"> <h1>IBM's Focus On AI Built From Data And Cloud Competencies</h1> <p>Four and a half years after Arvind Krishna was elected as IBM's Chief Executive Officer, today's IBM is a much different organization. A tight focus on data and cloud has helped IBM think through what clients need to not only be AI ready, but also AI first.  With over 30,000 attendees at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center gathered at IBM's biggest event, the mood was energetic and excited about the possibilities for the Age of AI.</p> <p>Among the myriad of announcements, four key messages came through loud and clear:</p> <h2>1. Expect More AI Powered Automation</h2> <p>Much conversation was made about IBM Concert (GA in June 2024). This central nervous system of one's enterprise technology and operations uses AI from Watson X to identify, predict, and suggest fixes for problems.  Cosntellation expects more bite-sized solutions for clients over time</p> <h2>2. Start Generative AI Projects With Granite Models</h2> <p>IBM's family of Granite Models will continue to grow over time.  These open-source Granite models<br /> are available under Apache 2.0 licenses via Hugging Face and GitHub.  Customers gain a 3B to 34B parameter models.  Constellation expects customers to apply use cases for code generation, complex applications modernization projects, code documentation acceleration, repository maintenance, and bug fixes at scale.<br /> Customers can use these Granite models as a launch point.</p> <p>In addition, customers can overcome the challenge of multiple forks of a single open-source model, Using a new methodology called LAB (Large-Scale Alignment for ChatBots), these LLMs can be pretrained on large sets of unstructured text, enabling these ChatBots to learn many new tasks more quickly once they see labeled instructions during the alignment stage.  InstructLab—an open-source project by IBM Research and Red Hat uses the LAB technique to advance language model development.</p> <h2>3. Use IBM watsonX assistants</h2> <p>Constellation sees a progression from augmentation, acceleration, automation, agents, and advisors over time.  WatsonX assistants are the first step to that journey.  A few announced at IBM Think include:</p> <p> </p> <ul><li>IBM watsonx Assistant for Z to transform how users interact with the system to quickly transfer knowledge and expertise. (GA June 2024)</li> <li>IBM watsonX Code Assistant for Z Service expansion with code explanation to help clients understand and document applications through natural language. (GA June 2024)</li> <li>IBM watsonX Code Assistant for Enterprise Java Applications.(GA October 2024)</li> </ul><h2>4. Partner With Everyone That Matters</h2> <p>IBM announced a slew of partnerships that will help IBM customers ease into and future proof their Generative AI investments.  IBM is bringing third-party models onto IBM watsonx, and offering IBM Consulting expertise for enterprise business transformation as the enabler for clients .A few announcements of note include:</p> <ul><li><strong>AWS</strong> - IBM watsonx.governance and Amazon SageMaker</li> <li><strong>Microsoft</strong> – IBM watsonX on MIcrosoft Azure</li> <li><strong>Adobe</strong> -  watsonx.ai comes to Adobe Experience Platform</li> <li><strong>Meta</strong> - Meta Llama 3 now accessible on IBM watsonx,</li> <li><strong>Mistral - </strong>Availabity on IBM watsonx</li> <li><strong>Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA)</strong> - the largest Arabic LLM now on IBM watsonx</li> </ul><p><br /> These partnerships are important and allow end-user customers to adopt and scale AI solutions<br /> that are specific to their business needs.</p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/955710411?h=007a5a4df6" title="vimeo-player" width="640"></iframe> <h1>The Bottom Line: Accessible Generative AI Projects Are Coming To Customers Via IBM</h1> <p>While Generative AI is the number one priority inside board rooms, building a foundation for successful projects is not a skill many organizations can master.  IBM recognizes this opportunity and has amassed a strategy to improve accessibility to generative AI projects.  This progression from augmenting to advisors is coming soon to customers.</p> <p>IBM has learned the lessons from their previous IBM Watson offerings and has been honing in on AI middleware, strategic partnerships, and AI and cloud prowess.  By helping customers get their data house in order, customers will have a shot at making generative AI work for them.<br />  </p> <h1>Your POV</h1> <p>Are you an IBM client? Is IBM on your short list of vendors to deliver on Generative AI for your organization?</p> <p>Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com</a> or<a href="mailto:[email protected]"> R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org.</a> Please let us know if you need help with your strategy efforts. Here’s how we can assist:</p> <ul><li>Developing your metaverse and digital business strategy</li> <li>Connecting with other pioneers</li> <li>Sharing best practices</li> <li>Vendor selection</li> <li>Implementation partner selection</li> <li>Providing contract negotiations and software licensing support</li> <li>Demystifying software licensing</li> </ul><p>Reprints can be purchased through Constellation Research, Inc. To request official reprints in PDF format, please contact <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a></strong>.</p> <h1><strong>Disclosures</strong></h1> <p>Although we work closely with many mega software vendors, we want you to trust us. For the full disclosure policy,stay tuned for the full client list on the <a href="http://www.constellationrg.com/clients">Constellation Research website</a>. * Not responsible for any factual errors or omissions.  However, happy to correct any errors upon email receipt.</p> <p>Constellation Research recommends that readers consult a stock professional for their investment guidance. Investors should understand the potential conflicts of interest analysts might face. Constellation does not underwrite or own the securities of the companies the analysts cover. Analysts themselves sometimes own stocks in the companies they cover—either directly or indirectly, such as through employee stock-purchase pools in which they and their colleagues participate. As a general matter, investors should not rely solely on an analyst’s recommendation when deciding whether to buy, hold, or sell a stock. Instead, they should also do their own research—such as reading the prospectus for new companies or for public companies, the quarterly and annual reports filed with the SEC—to confirm whether a particular investment is appropriate for them in light of their individual financial circumstances.</p> <p>Copyright © 2001 – 2024 R Wang and Insider Associates, LLC All rights reserved.</p> <p>Contact the <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a> </strong>team to purchase this report on a a la carte basis or join the Constellation Executive Network</p> </div> </div> Sat, 25 May 2024 01:39:00 +0000 rwang0 23071 at https://www.raywang.org Cupertino Ray Wang Ray R Wang @rwang0 R 'Ray' Wang Software Insider Insider Associates Everybody Wants To Rule The World decision velocity Digital giants data to decisions. Monday's Musings Constellation Research Disney Q1 Earnings 2022 streaming amazon prime Apple Netflix HBO Max Paramount Hulu Discovery earnings Davos World Economic Forum WEF22 @wef @davos Five I's Inflation Interest Rates Inventory Invastion Infection Klaus Schwab CEO Boardroom Worldwide Developer Conference WWDC WWDC22 mac iOS m2 mac air Watch OS iOs16 Wall papers messages LIve Text Shareplay Maps Family Sharing iCloud HomeKit Watch OS9 health app Stage Manager Search Safari Gaming Metal 3 Facetime with iPHone rapid security response XCode Cloud Apple Park Monday's Musings Great Refactoring Economy PESTEL Nviida Siemens Metaverse Industrial Roland Busch Jensen Huang Merck Group GT Rail UK BMW AT&T Physics-Based Digital Twins Digital Twins Photo Realistic Digital Twins Omniverse Metaverse Economy Constelaltion Research Microsoft Tesla nVidia Alphabet Google Amazon Facebook Snap Meta Instagram Twitter TikTok Rule The World big tech Stocks market Fox Business @foxbusiness Varney and Co Stuart Varney Keith Fitzgerald Oracle Adobe SalesForce.com IBM servicenow Snowflake Atlassian Crowdstrike Fortinet Palo Alto Networks R ' Ray' Wang Zuora Zephr digital monetizations paywall subscriptions Identity management dynamic paywalls entitlement management mergers acquisitions payments Commerce digital transformation Chief Digital Officer Figma Disintermediate mergers and acquisitions collaboration design digital whiteboard figjam figma design process future of work Adobe XD design experience $ADBE News Analysis New Analysis MATANA Q2 2022 NASDAQ R @constellationr Insider Associates LLC intel FAANG Activision Lina Khan $69 B call of duty overwatch candy crush mergers and acquistion acquisition anti-trust FTC Amaxon aws Amazon Web Services Cloud public cloud IBM Security Roger Premo Kate Wooley las vegas reInvent #reInvent CIO CDO CTO CMO< CEO rat wang WEF Davos 2023 Sustainability DEI globalization great reset fragmentation Constellation Research Inc. event report Honyewell Upland Unstoppable Domoains Wipro Mobeus WEF23 Davos Agenda SAP Data Driven Digital Networks Market Reset DisrupTV Tech Layoffs Silicon Valley Tech Hubs Opportunity Zones Flight from California ChatGTP large language models LLM Google Bard Bard AI Bing Open AI AI artificial intelligence Stabile Diffusion mid journey DALL-E2 Softwrae Insider Silicon Valley Bank unrealized losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities. IPO Market Bank Crisis The Federal Reserve Adobe Firefly Adobe Summit Generative AI Stable Diffusion Chat GPT Creativity Adobe Sensei diffusion models customer experience content creation content velocity content supply chain ChatGPT CX Insider's Associate marketing sales service Advertising Next Generation Customer Experience StabilityAI synthetic data GPT DALL-E OpenAI Dreambooth by Google Imagen Lensa Midjourney analytics digital ads social networks digital business models digital monetization models Cognizant HCLTech Infosys TCS Tata Consulting Services Tech Mahindra Ravi Kumar S Thierry Delaporte Salil Parekh K Krithivasan C Vijayakumar CVK Vijay Mohit Joshi IT Services Global Indian Firms services Q4 Earnings Global Slow Down operational efficiency regulatory compliance automation Cyber security Contract Negotiations vendor consolidation Hexagon AB digital reality solutions Caesar's Forum customer conference mines farms industrial and facilities defense cities and nations buildings infrastructure manufacturing autonomous mobility AI Generative AI Sundar Pichai Tim Cook Satya Nadella Mark Zuckerberg #AI Risks Reinvent Futures @reinventnet Peter Leyden @peteleyden Joe Boggio @boggiojoe Jerry Kaplan @jerry_kaplan Eli Chen @elichen Eric Shaotran @eshaotran Fiona Ma @fionama De Kai @dekai123 Daniel Erasmus @danielerasmus Gary A Bolles @gbolles Dazza Greenwood @dazzageenwod Brian Behlendorf @brianbehlendorf CC Gong @ccgong White and Case @whitecase Earl Comstock Shack15 Cerebal Valley Revenue Operations Revops Revenue Intelligence Sales Enagement SFA salesforce automation Legacy CRM Next Generation CX Sales and Marketing Chief Revenue Officers Trends Canopy Chorus Gong Introhive PeopleAI ZoomInfo Aviso Boostup Clari Fullcast.io InsightSquared Kluster MoData OpenPrise Groove Marketo outreach RevenueGrid Salesloft HubSpot Microsoft Dynamics salesforce Chief AI Officer CAIO New CSuite Artificial Intellgience ML Andy Thurai Research Summary Sam Altman @sama Greg Brockman Coup Tech Wars Stock Valuation Emmett Shear Mira Murati Ilya Sutskever effective altruism Tech IPO The Boring Company Elon Musk NeuraLink Starlink SpaceX ScaleAI Reddit Canva Discord Stripe Shein Databricks ARM Startups big idea Return on Transformation Investment RTI Survey CXO Confidence WEF24 2024 trust Rebuilding Trust artifical intelligence hypocrisy elites populists Trusted Trusted AI data mastery post-AI FOMO POC Budgeted AI Data Scarcity Data Collective Dark Ages Cognitive Era Copilot finance ERP Launch Public Preview Charles Lamanna Emily He Georg Glantschnig Age of AI pyramid diamond Staffing @rwang Culture of Scarcity Culture of Abundance Decentralized Centralized Data Inc. @nvidia GTC24 San Jose Micron Super Micro dell AMD R 'Ray Fake Media Paid Media Fake Analysts Unethical Behavior Bad Actors TSMC Broadcom Tencent Samsung ASML Qualcom Margin Compression AI Arbitrage UI Path Disruption Make Way rimini street IBM AI Think Inc. Geneative AI Mistral Hugging Face OpenMicrosoft Saudi Arvind Krishna Monday's Musings: Margin Compression - Tech Vendors Are You Leading The Way Or In The Way? https://www.raywang.org/blog/2024-05/mondays-musings-margin-compression-tech-vendors-are-you-leading-way-or-way Monday&#039;s Musings: Margin Compression - Tech Vendors Are You Leading The Way Or In The Way? <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-05/%40rwang0%20Margin%20Compression.webp?itok=BbhIfFhI 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-05/%40rwang0%20Margin%20Compression.png?itok=BbhIfFhI 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-05/%40rwang0%20Margin%20Compression.png?itok=BbhIfFhI" alt="Margin Compression @rwang0" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /> </picture> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><span lang="" about="/user/8" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rwang0</span></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden">Sun, 05/12/2024 - 13:24</span> <div property="schema:articleBody" class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h1>Margin Compression Is Pernicious, Disruptive, and Exponential In Impact</h1> <p>Technologies for the enterprise have often been seen as enablers for disruption and change.  Over the past five decades as one technology or vendor would come to prominence and dominate a market, challengers would apply new technologies or business models to topple the legacy market and create new markets.  Silicon Valley built its credibility on these disruptive market entrants.  This cycle would continue to repeat itself until the next challenger became the market leader and struggle to hold on to its lead while meeting the demands of investors and the market.</p> <p>Across the board in almost every market and every industry, an inflection point on margin compression is here. Take the following examples:</p> <ul><li>In the Persian Gulf, $100 drones are battling against $1 Million missiles. </li> <li>India's payment system, UPI, operates at pennies per transaction while SWIFT and other payment rails operate from $1 to $25 per transaction.</li> <li>Prescription drug prices in the United States are significantly higher than in other nations, with prices in the United States averaging 2.78 times those seen in 33 other nations, according to a new RAND <a href="https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA788-3.html">report</a>.</li> <li>Enterprise software vendor Zoho can deliver most capabilities a company under 500 employees needs at $100 per user per month vs $1000's with other providers</li> </ul><p>Recently, the impact on cloud and cloud economics have disrupted on-premises vendors.  In the past the move from client-server to the Internet created new winners and losers.  Today, AI and automation will play a key role in creating the new market leaders.</p> <h1>Technology Vendors Face Pressure To Meet Revenue Targets At Their Customer's Expense</h1> <p>Recent conversations with more than 100 CXO's in the Constellation Executive Network indicate that their satisfaction with technology vendors have reached an all time low.  One CRM software vendor tried to propose a $20 million increase in licenses when the client was trying to reduce their spend by $20 million.  Another executive dealing with an acquisition of a key virtualization supplier lost all of her executive contacts in the midst of the merger and contract renegotiation.  In the case of a large global manufacturer, their ERP vendor attempted to use financial engineering jujitsu to convince them to upgrade to the cloud without success.  Across the board, sales executives continue to push for increases in their total annual contract value to make quota at the expense of clients who are trying to reduce spend.</p> <p>Customers seek vendors who can help them consolidate their vendor landscape AND reduce total spend across the board.  With the mantras of exponential efficiency in full force and a hope for <a href="https://www.raywang.org/blog/2024-03/mondays-musings-age-ai-death-pyramid-model-long-live-diamond">AI arbitrage</a> driving exponential cost reductions, CXO's are under a lot of pressure from their boards to lower their overall spend.  In a recent interview on Fox Business with Stuart Varney, three vendors who lead this charge were featured:</p> <ol><li><strong>ServiceNow. </strong> Customers confirm they are consolidating onto ServiceNow in order to drive down costs, build the last mile, and place an innovation and AI layer over their transactional systems in order to achieve AI arbitrage.</li> <li><strong>Oracle.  </strong>The full RedStack from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to Database to Apps is providing significant cost savings for many customers using the Red Stack for margin compression.</li> <li><strong>UIPath</strong>.  From bots to AI capabilities, UIPath's customer are taking advantage of AI arbitrage to achieve exponential effiicency.</li> </ol><p>In addition, vendors such as Rimini Street also play a key role in driving down costs by cutting the cost of vendor maintenance and freeing up money for innovation.</p> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://video.foxbusiness.com/v/embed.js?id=6352660547112&amp;w=466&amp;h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="https://www.foxbusiness.com">foxbusiness.com</a></noscript> <div class="shrink-0 aspect-ratio"> <h1>The Bottom Line: Vendors Please Lead Or Make Way For The Next Disruptors</h1> <p>With only two to three options in almost every industry, market, and category, switching between vendors has become more difficult.  The intensity of market consolidation in a winner takes all market leaves customers with few choices.  For example, cloud vendors were supposed to be the good guys in the market with pay as you go pricing, short term contracts, and flexible terms. Today, many cloud vendors are the enemy with vendor lock-in, price increases, and endless pressure to raise their ACV while making it difficult to reduce spend.  The BPO market used to be a market of cost savings, but today the inability to move BPO operations to software based entities adds exponential cost to operations.</p> <p>With so many opportunities for innovation, expect innovative startups to disrupt what was once the innovative companies who have now just become legacy.</p> <h1>Your POV</h1> <p>Which vendors are leading the way in driving margin compression and which are barriers? Let us know!</p> <p>Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com</a> or<a href="mailto:[email protected]"> R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org.</a> Please let us know if you need help with your strategy efforts. Here’s how we can assist:</p> <ul><li>Developing your metaverse and digital business strategy</li> <li>Connecting with other pioneers</li> <li>Sharing best practices</li> <li>Vendor selection</li> <li>Implementation partner selection</li> <li>Providing contract negotiations and software licensing support</li> <li>Demystifying software licensing</li> </ul><p>Reprints can be purchased through Constellation Research, Inc. To request official reprints in PDF format, please contact <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a></strong>.</p> <h1><strong>Disclosures</strong></h1> <p>Although we work closely with many mega software vendors, we want you to trust us. For the full disclosure policy,stay tuned for the full client list on the <a href="http://www.constellationrg.com/clients">Constellation Research website</a>. * Not responsible for any factual errors or omissions.  However, happy to correct any errors upon email receipt.</p> <p>Constellation Research recommends that readers consult a stock professional for their investment guidance. Investors should understand the potential conflicts of interest analysts might face. Constellation does not underwrite or own the securities of the companies the analysts cover. Analysts themselves sometimes own stocks in the companies they cover—either directly or indirectly, such as through employee stock-purchase pools in which they and their colleagues participate. As a general matter, investors should not rely solely on an analyst’s recommendation when deciding whether to buy, hold, or sell a stock. Instead, they should also do their own research—such as reading the prospectus for new companies or for public companies, the quarterly and annual reports filed with the SEC—to confirm whether a particular investment is appropriate for them in light of their individual financial circumstances.</p> <p>Copyright © 2001 – 2024 R Wang and Insider Associates, LLC All rights reserved.</p> <p>Contact the <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a> </strong>team to purchase this report on a a la carte basis or join the Constellation Executive Network</p> </div> </div> Sun, 12 May 2024 20:24:25 +0000 rwang0 23055 at https://www.raywang.org Cupertino Ray Wang Ray R Wang @rwang0 R 'Ray' Wang Software Insider Insider Associates Everybody Wants To Rule The World decision velocity Digital giants data to decisions. Monday's Musings Constellation Research Disney Q1 Earnings 2022 streaming amazon prime Apple Netflix HBO Max Paramount Hulu Discovery earnings Davos World Economic Forum WEF22 @wef @davos Five I's Inflation Interest Rates Inventory Invastion Infection Klaus Schwab CEO Boardroom Worldwide Developer Conference WWDC WWDC22 mac iOS m2 mac air Watch OS iOs16 Wall papers messages LIve Text Shareplay Maps Family Sharing iCloud HomeKit Watch OS9 health app Stage Manager Search Safari Gaming Metal 3 Facetime with iPHone rapid security response XCode Cloud Apple Park Monday's Musings Great Refactoring Economy PESTEL Nviida Siemens Metaverse Industrial Roland Busch Jensen Huang Merck Group GT Rail UK BMW AT&T Physics-Based Digital Twins Digital Twins Photo Realistic Digital Twins Omniverse Metaverse Economy Constelaltion Research Microsoft Tesla nVidia Alphabet Google Amazon Facebook Snap Meta Instagram Twitter TikTok Rule The World big tech Stocks market Fox Business @foxbusiness Varney and Co Stuart Varney Keith Fitzgerald Oracle Adobe SalesForce.com IBM servicenow Snowflake Atlassian Crowdstrike Fortinet Palo Alto Networks R ' Ray' Wang Zuora Zephr digital monetizations paywall subscriptions Identity management dynamic paywalls entitlement management mergers acquisitions payments Commerce digital transformation Chief Digital Officer Figma Disintermediate mergers and acquisitions collaboration design digital whiteboard figjam figma design process future of work Adobe XD design experience $ADBE News Analysis New Analysis MATANA Q2 2022 NASDAQ R @constellationr Insider Associates LLC intel FAANG Activision Lina Khan $69 B call of duty overwatch candy crush mergers and acquistion acquisition anti-trust FTC Amaxon aws Amazon Web Services Cloud public cloud IBM Security Roger Premo Kate Wooley las vegas reInvent #reInvent CIO CDO CTO CMO< CEO rat wang WEF Davos 2023 Sustainability DEI globalization great reset fragmentation Constellation Research Inc. event report Honyewell Upland Unstoppable Domoains Wipro Mobeus WEF23 Davos Agenda SAP Data Driven Digital Networks Market Reset DisrupTV Tech Layoffs Silicon Valley Tech Hubs Opportunity Zones Flight from California ChatGTP large language models LLM Google Bard Bard AI Bing Open AI AI artificial intelligence Stabile Diffusion mid journey DALL-E2 Softwrae Insider Silicon Valley Bank unrealized losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities. IPO Market Bank Crisis The Federal Reserve Adobe Firefly Adobe Summit Generative AI Stable Diffusion Chat GPT Creativity Adobe Sensei diffusion models customer experience content creation content velocity content supply chain ChatGPT CX Insider's Associate marketing sales service Advertising Next Generation Customer Experience StabilityAI synthetic data GPT DALL-E OpenAI Dreambooth by Google Imagen Lensa Midjourney analytics digital ads social networks digital business models digital monetization models Cognizant HCLTech Infosys TCS Tata Consulting Services Tech Mahindra Ravi Kumar S Thierry Delaporte Salil Parekh K Krithivasan C Vijayakumar CVK Vijay Mohit Joshi IT Services Global Indian Firms services Q4 Earnings Global Slow Down operational efficiency regulatory compliance automation Cyber security Contract Negotiations vendor consolidation Hexagon AB digital reality solutions Caesar's Forum customer conference mines farms industrial and facilities defense cities and nations buildings infrastructure manufacturing autonomous mobility AI Generative AI Sundar Pichai Tim Cook Satya Nadella Mark Zuckerberg #AI Risks Reinvent Futures @reinventnet Peter Leyden @peteleyden Joe Boggio @boggiojoe Jerry Kaplan @jerry_kaplan Eli Chen @elichen Eric Shaotran @eshaotran Fiona Ma @fionama De Kai @dekai123 Daniel Erasmus @danielerasmus Gary A Bolles @gbolles Dazza Greenwood @dazzageenwod Brian Behlendorf @brianbehlendorf CC Gong @ccgong White and Case @whitecase Earl Comstock Shack15 Cerebal Valley Revenue Operations Revops Revenue Intelligence Sales Enagement SFA salesforce automation Legacy CRM Next Generation CX Sales and Marketing Chief Revenue Officers Trends Canopy Chorus Gong Introhive PeopleAI ZoomInfo Aviso Boostup Clari Fullcast.io InsightSquared Kluster MoData OpenPrise Groove Marketo outreach RevenueGrid Salesloft HubSpot Microsoft Dynamics salesforce Chief AI Officer CAIO New CSuite Artificial Intellgience ML Andy Thurai Research Summary Sam Altman @sama Greg Brockman Coup Tech Wars Stock Valuation Emmett Shear Mira Murati Ilya Sutskever effective altruism Tech IPO The Boring Company Elon Musk NeuraLink Starlink SpaceX ScaleAI Reddit Canva Discord Stripe Shein Databricks ARM Startups big idea Return on Transformation Investment RTI Survey CXO Confidence WEF24 2024 trust Rebuilding Trust artifical intelligence hypocrisy elites populists Trusted Trusted AI data mastery post-AI FOMO POC Budgeted AI Data Scarcity Data Collective Dark Ages Cognitive Era Copilot finance ERP Launch Public Preview Charles Lamanna Emily He Georg Glantschnig Age of AI pyramid diamond Staffing @rwang Culture of Scarcity Culture of Abundance Decentralized Centralized Data Inc. @nvidia GTC24 San Jose Micron Super Micro dell AMD R 'Ray Fake Media Paid Media Fake Analysts Unethical Behavior Bad Actors TSMC Broadcom Tencent Samsung ASML Qualcom Margin Compression AI Arbitrage UI Path Disruption Make Way rimini street Monday's Musing: When The Hunters Become The Hunted https://www.raywang.org/blog/2024-04/mondays-musing-when-hunters-become-hunted Monday&#039;s Musing: When The Hunters Become The Hunted <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-05/%40rwang0%2020240503%204%20comma%20club.webp?itok=KkdE2KHZ 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-05/%40rwang0%2020240503%204%20comma%20club.png?itok=KkdE2KHZ 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-05/%40rwang0%2020240503%204%20comma%20club.png?itok=KkdE2KHZ" alt="20240503 4 comma club" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /> </picture> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><span lang="" about="/user/8" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rwang0</span></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden">Mon, 04/22/2024 - 04:49</span> <div property="schema:articleBody" class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h1>Expect Software Giant Hunters To Soon Be The Hunted In A Digital Giant's Quest For Growth</h1> <p>Six of the Magnificent Seven (Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia, Alphabet [Google], Amazon, Meta [Facebook]) stocks have entered the four comma club -over $1 trillion in market cap.  With a combined market cap of over $13.2 trillion, these six players continue to defy physics with continuous quarters of double digit organic growth.  <a href="https://www.raywang.org/books/everybody-wants-rule-world-surviving-and-thriving-world-digital-giants" title="Everybody Wants To Rule The Wolrd">Digital giants</a> by definition have deployed five key strategies:</p> <ol><li>Build the biggest network</li> <li> <div class="O0" style="margin-left:36px; text-indent:-.38in"><span style="language:en-US">Own and disintermediate the customer relationship</span></div> </li> <li> <div class="O0" style="margin-left:36px; text-indent:-.38in"><span style="language:en-US">Compete for data supremacy</span></div> </li> <li> <div class="O0" style="margin-left:36px; text-indent:-.38in"><span style="language:en-US">Deploy digital monetization models</span></div> </li> <li> <div class="O0" style="margin-left:36px; text-indent:-.38in"><span style="language:en-US">Take a long term growth mindset</span></div> </li> </ol><p>In the enterprise software category, the largest enterprise software vendors are nowhere close to $1 trillion in market cap. In fact, they have a long way to go.  Here's their market cap as of May 3rd, 2024</p> <ul><li>Oracle $318.27B</li> <li>Salesforce $265.45 B</li> <li>Adobe $217.80 B</li> <li>SAP $214.12 B</li> <li>Intuit $176.18 B</li> <li>IBM $152.22 B</li> <li>ServiceNow $147.18 B</li> </ul><p>While these software vendors have been seen as the acquirers for quite some time, market conditions could shift quickly making them attractive targets for acquisition by a hungry Digital Giant seeking growth.</p> <h1>Running Out Of Runway For Double Digit Organic Growth Means More M&amp;A In The Future</h1> <p>Should economic conditions take a turn for the worse, the digital giants will have to find inorganic opportunities.   Technically digesting companies one-tenth to one-fourth their size would be very possible.  In fact, if it weren't for a hawkish anti-trust stance by the current presidential administration, one could expect a faster rate of mergers and acquisitions. Most of the digital giants could find adjacencies to support their growth.</p> <p>Concurrently, hardware and chip companies such as Broadcom have entered new markets by moving from chips to hardware to software.  The next set of players below the trillion dollar market cap club will most likely consolidate in the next three years to gain scale and meet financial targets.  With software a highly profitable endeavor, low margin players will likely find themselves drawn to an acquisition of software assets</p> <h1>The Bottom Line: End Of Zero Interest Rates Changes Everything</h1> <p>The end of zero interest rates have shown a confluence of forces in exponential efficiency,<a href="https://www.raywang.org/blog/2024-03/mondays-musings-age-ai-death-pyramid-model-long-live-diamond" title="AI Arbitrage"> AI arbitrage,</a> and margin compression.  Each of these factors have transformed market conditions and forced management teams to rethink their business models.  As digital giants struggle to achieve double digit growth and maintain their astronomical market caps, inorganic growth may be the only option.  Expect a string of strange mergers and acquisitions with a change or presidential administrations in the quest for alpha. New tech conglomerates will emerge to challenge the digital giants.  More importantly, new digital giants will emerge to disrupt the incumbents.</p> <h1>Your POV</h1> <p>Where do you see the next set of mergers? Do you think we'll see more bulking up by category or across category?</p> <p>Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com</a> or<a href="mailto:[email protected]"> R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org.</a> Please let us know if you need help with your strategy efforts. Here’s how we can assist:</p> <ul><li>Developing your metaverse and digital business strategy</li> <li>Connecting with other pioneers</li> <li>Sharing best practices</li> <li>Vendor selection</li> <li>Implementation partner selection</li> <li>Providing contract negotiations and software licensing support</li> <li>Demystifying software licensing</li> </ul><p>Reprints can be purchased through Constellation Research, Inc. To request official reprints in PDF format, please contact <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a></strong>.</p> <h1><strong>Disclosures</strong></h1> <p>Although we work closely with many mega software vendors, we want you to trust us. For the full disclosure policy,stay tuned for the full client list on the <a href="http://www.constellationrg.com/clients">Constellation Research website</a>. * Not responsible for any factual errors or omissions.  However, happy to correct any errors upon email receipt.</p> <p>Constellation Research recommends that readers consult a stock professional for their investment guidance. Investors should understand the potential conflicts of interest analysts might face. Constellation does not underwrite or own the securities of the companies the analysts cover. Analysts themselves sometimes own stocks in the companies they cover—either directly or indirectly, such as through employee stock-purchase pools in which they and their colleagues participate. As a general matter, investors should not rely solely on an analyst’s recommendation when deciding whether to buy, hold, or sell a stock. Instead, they should also do their own research—such as reading the prospectus for new companies or for public companies, the quarterly and annual reports filed with the SEC—to confirm whether a particular investment is appropriate for them in light of their individual financial circumstances.</p> <p>Copyright © 2001 – 2024 R Wang and Insider Associates, LLC All rights reserved.</p> <p>Contact the <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a> </strong>team to purchase this report on a a la carte basis or join the Constellation Executive Network</p> </div> Mon, 22 Apr 2024 11:49:10 +0000 rwang0 23042 at https://www.raywang.org Cupertino Ray Wang Ray R Wang @rwang0 R 'Ray' Wang Software Insider Insider Associates Everybody Wants To Rule The World decision velocity Digital giants data to decisions. Monday's Musings Constellation Research Disney Q1 Earnings 2022 streaming amazon prime Apple Netflix HBO Max Paramount Hulu Discovery earnings Davos World Economic Forum WEF22 @wef @davos Five I's Inflation Interest Rates Inventory Invastion Infection Klaus Schwab CEO Boardroom Worldwide Developer Conference WWDC WWDC22 mac iOS m2 mac air Watch OS iOs16 Wall papers messages LIve Text Shareplay Maps Family Sharing iCloud HomeKit Watch OS9 health app Stage Manager Search Safari Gaming Metal 3 Facetime with iPHone rapid security response XCode Cloud Apple Park Monday's Musings Great Refactoring Economy PESTEL Nviida Siemens Metaverse Industrial Roland Busch Jensen Huang Merck Group GT Rail UK BMW AT&T Physics-Based Digital Twins Digital Twins Photo Realistic Digital Twins Omniverse Metaverse Economy Constelaltion Research Microsoft Tesla nVidia Alphabet Google Amazon Facebook Snap Meta Instagram Twitter TikTok Rule The World big tech Stocks market Fox Business @foxbusiness Varney and Co Stuart Varney Keith Fitzgerald Oracle Adobe SalesForce.com IBM servicenow Snowflake Atlassian Crowdstrike Fortinet Palo Alto Networks R ' Ray' Wang Zuora Zephr digital monetizations paywall subscriptions Identity management dynamic paywalls entitlement management mergers acquisitions payments Commerce digital transformation Chief Digital Officer Figma Disintermediate mergers and acquisitions collaboration design digital whiteboard figjam figma design process future of work Adobe XD design experience $ADBE News Analysis New Analysis MATANA Q2 2022 NASDAQ R @constellationr Insider Associates LLC intel FAANG Activision Lina Khan $69 B call of duty overwatch candy crush mergers and acquistion acquisition anti-trust FTC Amaxon aws Amazon Web Services Cloud public cloud IBM Security Roger Premo Kate Wooley las vegas reInvent #reInvent CIO CDO CTO CMO< CEO rat wang WEF Davos 2023 Sustainability DEI globalization great reset fragmentation Constellation Research Inc. event report Honyewell Upland Unstoppable Domoains Wipro Mobeus WEF23 Davos Agenda SAP Data Driven Digital Networks Market Reset DisrupTV Tech Layoffs Silicon Valley Tech Hubs Opportunity Zones Flight from California ChatGTP large language models LLM Google Bard Bard AI Bing Open AI AI artificial intelligence Stabile Diffusion mid journey DALL-E2 Softwrae Insider Silicon Valley Bank unrealized losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities. IPO Market Bank Crisis The Federal Reserve Adobe Firefly Adobe Summit Generative AI Stable Diffusion Chat GPT Creativity Adobe Sensei diffusion models customer experience content creation content velocity content supply chain ChatGPT CX Insider's Associate marketing sales service Advertising Next Generation Customer Experience StabilityAI synthetic data GPT DALL-E OpenAI Dreambooth by Google Imagen Lensa Midjourney analytics digital ads social networks digital business models digital monetization models Cognizant HCLTech Infosys TCS Tata Consulting Services Tech Mahindra Ravi Kumar S Thierry Delaporte Salil Parekh K Krithivasan C Vijayakumar CVK Vijay Mohit Joshi IT Services Global Indian Firms services Q4 Earnings Global Slow Down operational efficiency regulatory compliance automation Cyber security Contract Negotiations vendor consolidation Hexagon AB digital reality solutions Caesar's Forum customer conference mines farms industrial and facilities defense cities and nations buildings infrastructure manufacturing autonomous mobility AI Generative AI Sundar Pichai Tim Cook Satya Nadella Mark Zuckerberg #AI Risks Reinvent Futures @reinventnet Peter Leyden @peteleyden Joe Boggio @boggiojoe Jerry Kaplan @jerry_kaplan Eli Chen @elichen Eric Shaotran @eshaotran Fiona Ma @fionama De Kai @dekai123 Daniel Erasmus @danielerasmus Gary A Bolles @gbolles Dazza Greenwood @dazzageenwod Brian Behlendorf @brianbehlendorf CC Gong @ccgong White and Case @whitecase Earl Comstock Shack15 Cerebal Valley Revenue Operations Revops Revenue Intelligence Sales Enagement SFA salesforce automation Legacy CRM Next Generation CX Sales and Marketing Chief Revenue Officers Trends Canopy Chorus Gong Introhive PeopleAI ZoomInfo Aviso Boostup Clari Fullcast.io InsightSquared Kluster MoData OpenPrise Groove Marketo outreach RevenueGrid Salesloft HubSpot Microsoft Dynamics salesforce Chief AI Officer CAIO New CSuite Artificial Intellgience ML Andy Thurai Research Summary Sam Altman @sama Greg Brockman Coup Tech Wars Stock Valuation Emmett Shear Mira Murati Ilya Sutskever effective altruism Tech IPO The Boring Company Elon Musk NeuraLink Starlink SpaceX ScaleAI Reddit Canva Discord Stripe Shein Databricks ARM Startups big idea Return on Transformation Investment RTI Survey CXO Confidence WEF24 2024 trust Rebuilding Trust artifical intelligence hypocrisy elites populists Trusted Trusted AI data mastery post-AI FOMO POC Budgeted AI Data Scarcity Data Collective Dark Ages Cognitive Era Copilot finance ERP Launch Public Preview Charles Lamanna Emily He Georg Glantschnig Age of AI pyramid diamond Staffing @rwang Culture of Scarcity Culture of Abundance Decentralized Centralized Data Inc. @nvidia GTC24 San Jose Micron Super Micro dell AMD R 'Ray Fake Media Paid Media Fake Analysts Unethical Behavior Bad Actors TSMC Broadcom Tencent Samsung ASML Qualcom Tuesday's Tip: Why Unethical Marketing Costs Tech Vendors 100’s of Millions Every Year https://www.raywang.org/blog/2024-03/tuesdays-tip-why-unethical-marketing-costs-tech-vendors-100s-millions-every-year Tuesday&#039;s Tip: Why Unethical Marketing Costs Tech Vendors 100’s of Millions Every Year <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20Fake%20Media%20Paid%20Media%20liars.webp?itok=HQlgpZZV 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20Fake%20Media%20Paid%20Media%20liars.jpg?itok=HQlgpZZV 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20Fake%20Media%20Paid%20Media%20liars.jpg?itok=HQlgpZZV" alt="Fake Media Unethical Analysts" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /> </picture> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><span lang="" about="/user/8" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rwang0</span></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden">Tue, 03/26/2024 - 14:06</span> <div property="schema:articleBody" class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h1>What Every Tech Vendor CEO and CFO Should Know About Their CMO’s Wasted Investments In Vanity Metrics</h1> <p>Marketing professionals face massive pressure to show that their marketing investments have paid off. In a zero-interest rate environment, budgets were flush and marketers had a lot of leeway in building brand, hosting amazing events, and buying ads to improve market presence. However, a shift to a five percent interest rate environment has many CMO’s focused on performance marketing, showing return on investment, and moving MQLs from SQLs as fast as they can.</p> <blockquote> <p>Why? CFO’s like making money from interest in the bank and marketing is often seen as overhead that needs to be justified.</p> </blockquote> <p>Thus, marketing professionals must defend their budgets via metrics. But, not all metrics are created equally. Since the dawn of time, the urge to show performance has often led to shady strategies to boost numbers to game the system with metrics such as views, likes, subscribers, and impressions. To be fair, sometimes these efforts were valiant to prove a trend or take a stand. Other times, these were short sighted to justify an untenable position.</p> <blockquote> <p>Unfortunately, many marketers have resorted to vanity metrics, metrics not tied to financial numbers or outcomes, that often have no correlation to the ultimate outcome – revenue.</p> </blockquote> <p>The consequences of such actions have led to hundreds of millions in wasted in marketing investments that CEO’s and CFO’s should investigate.  Vanity metrics provide a temporary saccharin high, and then the sugar crash results in a lot of wasted investments.</p> <p><strong>ACTION ITEM: </strong>Develop metrics with marketers that are tied to short-term, medium-term, and long-term revenue outcomes. Create a balanced portfolio of initiatives.</p> <h1>Fake Media Takes Paid Media To New Lows</h1> <p>The good news, in a digital world, the ability to show performance is easier. The bad news, faking performance has become easier due to a class of bad actors espousing unethical practices. The rise of paid media continues this trend by marketers to reach and influence decision makers. To be clear, paid media has a place in building, nurturing, and developing a community when there is a real audience of human prospects on the other end.</p> <p>Regrettably, many large tech vendors with flush budgets often spent money for permanent paid blogs on prominent business publications like <em>Forbes</em>, in lieu of earned coverage. Why work so hard when a million dollars bought a page or subsite on a well-read business blog? The assumption that readers could not tell the difference between authentic content and paid media was fatally flawed. Most educated buyers ignored these properties due to the lack of original or novel content. In fact, the views were low unless they also paid for a media strategy firm to “juice’ the numbers.</p> <p><strong>ACTION ITEMS: </strong>CFO’s and CEO’s should spend time rewarding performance metrics for the long term and not the quarter to quarter vanity metrics that often are reported. Don’t let marketing professionals fall into the vanity metric trap.</p> <h1>Marketing Strategy Firms Posing As Unethical Fake Analysts Waste Millions Of Dollars</h1> <p>On the video front, other marketers thought it was okay to pay for views for videos no one would watch. Hardware and chip manufacturers technology vendors were the worst offenders often paying for videos about products no technology prospect cared about. This failed tactic required marketers to spend money with “fake” analysts or marketing strategy firms posing as analyst influencers to reach views on videos with no audience.</p> <p>Using bot farms and mechanical turks from Asia, they provided “views” for the CMOs to show off to executives.  The called it "paid" media. These unethical firms even disclosed these practices on their websites to justify their existence. In fact, a few of these “fake analyst firms" tried to pawn off their fake bot media efforts as paid media, pulling the wool over the eyes of CFO’s and CEO’s who thought they had 30,000 views on mundane topics such as “ The future of dot matrix printing” or “Networking and AI in the 21st century”. The reality – these topics would be lucky to garner 100 views on a great day.  So, instead of paid media to grow an audience, they had an audience of none.</p> <p>The marketers who made these decisions wasted millions of dollars with bots who would never spend one single dollar. To be clear, paid media campaigns with a real audience can augment a marketer’s strategy to grow community. However, fake paid media, with zero real audience of buyers, is a disservice and a complete waste of marketing dollars.</p> <p>What’s the point of having 29,000 views from bots who will never buy? Who would believe a social media influencer, who used to be a plumber living in the Southeast, now calls herself an analyst, could garner 536 likes on 4 views for a podcast no one has ever heard of? And even funnier, these type of fake analyst firms generate 29,000 views 24 hours later. Really? These folks don't even pass the sniff test.</p> <blockquote> <p>Sadly, the industry has a small class of social media influencers pretending to be analysts who often pay bot farms to fake views and then show their clients that they are “influential”.</p> </blockquote> <p>These analysts are so unethical that they even threaten technology vendors who don’t pay them, that they will say “bad” things about them when they show up on TV. This type of "extortion" is not good for the credibility of the industry and should be called out and stamped out.  The good news, this isn’t the norm and hopefully marketers will wake up and shut them down.</p> <p><strong>ACTION ITEM:</strong> CFO’s and CEO’s should demand the cancellation of these fake paid media dollars and replace them with long-term programs that grow audience.</p> <h1>The Bottom Line: There Are No Shortcuts For Good Marketing</h1> <p>Smart and savvy marketers know that communities and relationships are built on trust and authenticity. Real programs take time but payoff. CFO’s and CEO’s can eliminate millions of dollars of marketing waste on fake paid media and the unethical analyst firms who propagate these tactics. It’s time to root out the bad actors and end these dark arts. CEO’s and CFO’s can help their marketing brethren stay on the straight and narrow path of truly creating impactful and performance marketing that last the test of time.</p> <h1>Three Easy Steps To Root Out Unethical Marketing</h1> <p>The defensibility of vanity metrics no longer has a place in modern marketing. In fact, fake media practices are very unethical.</p> <p>To identify fake paid media, one can take the additional security step of asking for proof on where the paid media comes from. A simple Google analytics log could help one's team identify if all the views come from the same IP or were all generated at the same time period. Any marketing strategy firm that can not come up with these stats or show this report is more than likely lying about their paid media efforts.</p> <p>Here are three steps to root out this cancer in your marketing organization.</p> <ol><li>Focus on performance metrics, not vanity metrics.</li> <li>Identify the bad actors in the space and put procurement bans on these players for five years. These actors could be media outlets, marketing strategy firms, media influencers, and unethical analyst firms.</li> <li>Build long term relationships with ethical organizations to grow prospects, partner for thought leadership, and create original content.</li> </ol><div class="shrink-0 aspect-ratio"> <h1>Your POV</h1> <p>Will your CMO stop using fake analysts, and paying for fake views? Need help in identifying the unethical actors in the industry?</p> <p>Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com</a> or<a href="mailto:[email protected]"> R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org.</a> Please let us know if you need help with your strategy efforts. Here’s how we can assist:</p> <ul><li>Developing your metaverse and digital business strategy</li> <li>Connecting with other pioneers</li> <li>Sharing best practices</li> <li>Vendor selection</li> <li>Implementation partner selection</li> <li>Providing contract negotiations and software licensing support</li> <li>Demystifying software licensing</li> </ul><p>Reprints can be purchased through Constellation Research, Inc. To request official reprints in PDF format, please contact <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a></strong>.</p> <h1><strong>Disclosures</strong></h1> <p>Although we work closely with many mega software vendors, we want you to trust us. For the full disclosure policy,stay tuned for the full client list on the <a href="http://www.constellationrg.com/clients">Constellation Research website</a>. * Not responsible for any factual errors or omissions.  However, happy to correct any errors upon email receipt.</p> <p>Constellation Research recommends that readers consult a stock professional for their investment guidance. Investors should understand the potential conflicts of interest analysts might face. Constellation does not underwrite or own the securities of the companies the analysts cover. Analysts themselves sometimes own stocks in the companies they cover—either directly or indirectly, such as through employee stock-purchase pools in which they and their colleagues participate. As a general matter, investors should not rely solely on an analyst’s recommendation when deciding whether to buy, hold, or sell a stock. Instead, they should also do their own research—such as reading the prospectus for new companies or for public companies, the quarterly and annual reports filed with the SEC—to confirm whether a particular investment is appropriate for them in light of their individual financial circumstances.</p> <p>Copyright © 2001 – 2024 R Wang and Insider Associates, LLC All rights reserved.</p> <p>Contact the <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a> </strong>team to purchase this report on a a la carte basis or join the Constellation Executive Network</p> </div> </div> Tue, 26 Mar 2024 21:06:19 +0000 rwang0 23017 at https://www.raywang.org Cupertino Ray Wang Ray R Wang @rwang0 R 'Ray' Wang Software Insider Insider Associates Everybody Wants To Rule The World decision velocity Digital giants data to decisions. Monday's Musings Constellation Research Disney Q1 Earnings 2022 streaming amazon prime Apple Netflix HBO Max Paramount Hulu Discovery earnings Davos World Economic Forum WEF22 @wef @davos Five I's Inflation Interest Rates Inventory Invastion Infection Klaus Schwab CEO Boardroom Worldwide Developer Conference WWDC WWDC22 mac iOS m2 mac air Watch OS iOs16 Wall papers messages LIve Text Shareplay Maps Family Sharing iCloud HomeKit Watch OS9 health app Stage Manager Search Safari Gaming Metal 3 Facetime with iPHone rapid security response XCode Cloud Apple Park Monday's Musings Great Refactoring Economy PESTEL Nviida Siemens Metaverse Industrial Roland Busch Jensen Huang Merck Group GT Rail UK BMW AT&T Physics-Based Digital Twins Digital Twins Photo Realistic Digital Twins Omniverse Metaverse Economy Constelaltion Research Microsoft Tesla nVidia Alphabet Google Amazon Facebook Snap Meta Instagram Twitter TikTok Rule The World big tech Stocks market Fox Business @foxbusiness Varney and Co Stuart Varney Keith Fitzgerald Oracle Adobe SalesForce.com IBM servicenow Snowflake Atlassian Crowdstrike Fortinet Palo Alto Networks R ' Ray' Wang Zuora Zephr digital monetizations paywall subscriptions Identity management dynamic paywalls entitlement management mergers acquisitions payments Commerce digital transformation Chief Digital Officer Figma Disintermediate mergers and acquisitions collaboration design digital whiteboard figjam figma design process future of work Adobe XD design experience $ADBE News Analysis New Analysis MATANA Q2 2022 NASDAQ R @constellationr Insider Associates LLC intel FAANG Activision Lina Khan $69 B call of duty overwatch candy crush mergers and acquistion acquisition anti-trust FTC Amaxon aws Amazon Web Services Cloud public cloud IBM Security Roger Premo Kate Wooley las vegas reInvent #reInvent CIO CDO CTO CMO< CEO rat wang WEF Davos 2023 Sustainability DEI globalization great reset fragmentation Constellation Research Inc. event report Honyewell Upland Unstoppable Domoains Wipro Mobeus WEF23 Davos Agenda SAP Data Driven Digital Networks Market Reset DisrupTV Tech Layoffs Silicon Valley Tech Hubs Opportunity Zones Flight from California ChatGTP large language models LLM Google Bard Bard AI Bing Open AI AI artificial intelligence Stabile Diffusion mid journey DALL-E2 Softwrae Insider Silicon Valley Bank unrealized losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities. IPO Market Bank Crisis The Federal Reserve Adobe Firefly Adobe Summit Generative AI Stable Diffusion Chat GPT Creativity Adobe Sensei diffusion models customer experience content creation content velocity content supply chain ChatGPT CX Insider's Associate marketing sales service Advertising Next Generation Customer Experience StabilityAI synthetic data GPT DALL-E OpenAI Dreambooth by Google Imagen Lensa Midjourney analytics digital ads social networks digital business models digital monetization models Cognizant HCLTech Infosys TCS Tata Consulting Services Tech Mahindra Ravi Kumar S Thierry Delaporte Salil Parekh K Krithivasan C Vijayakumar CVK Vijay Mohit Joshi IT Services Global Indian Firms services Q4 Earnings Global Slow Down operational efficiency regulatory compliance automation Cyber security Contract Negotiations vendor consolidation Hexagon AB digital reality solutions Caesar's Forum customer conference mines farms industrial and facilities defense cities and nations buildings infrastructure manufacturing autonomous mobility AI Generative AI Sundar Pichai Tim Cook Satya Nadella Mark Zuckerberg #AI Risks Reinvent Futures @reinventnet Peter Leyden @peteleyden Joe Boggio @boggiojoe Jerry Kaplan @jerry_kaplan Eli Chen @elichen Eric Shaotran @eshaotran Fiona Ma @fionama De Kai @dekai123 Daniel Erasmus @danielerasmus Gary A Bolles @gbolles Dazza Greenwood @dazzageenwod Brian Behlendorf @brianbehlendorf CC Gong @ccgong White and Case @whitecase Earl Comstock Shack15 Cerebal Valley Revenue Operations Revops Revenue Intelligence Sales Enagement SFA salesforce automation Legacy CRM Next Generation CX Sales and Marketing Chief Revenue Officers Trends Canopy Chorus Gong Introhive PeopleAI ZoomInfo Aviso Boostup Clari Fullcast.io InsightSquared Kluster MoData OpenPrise Groove Marketo outreach RevenueGrid Salesloft HubSpot Microsoft Dynamics salesforce Chief AI Officer CAIO New CSuite Artificial Intellgience ML Andy Thurai Research Summary Sam Altman @sama Greg Brockman Coup Tech Wars Stock Valuation Emmett Shear Mira Murati Ilya Sutskever effective altruism Tech IPO The Boring Company Elon Musk NeuraLink Starlink SpaceX ScaleAI Reddit Canva Discord Stripe Shein Databricks ARM Startups big idea Return on Transformation Investment RTI Survey CXO Confidence WEF24 2024 trust Rebuilding Trust artifical intelligence hypocrisy elites populists Trusted Trusted AI data mastery post-AI FOMO POC Budgeted AI Data Scarcity Data Collective Dark Ages Cognitive Era Copilot finance ERP Launch Public Preview Charles Lamanna Emily He Georg Glantschnig Age of AI pyramid diamond Staffing @rwang Culture of Scarcity Culture of Abundance Decentralized Centralized Data Inc. @nvidia GTC24 San Jose Micron Super Micro dell AMD R 'Ray Fake Media Paid Media Fake Analysts Unethical Behavior Bad Actors New Analysis: Nvidia GTC 2024 Is The Davos of AI https://www.raywang.org/blog/2024-03/new-analysis-nvidia-gtc-2024-davos-ai New Analysis: Nvidia GTC 2024 Is The Davos of AI <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20%40cnbc%20%40squawkbox%20%40BeckyQuick%20%40nvidiia%20%23GTC24.webp?itok=xBkZKWIe 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20%40cnbc%20%40squawkbox%20%40BeckyQuick%20%40nvidiia%20%23GTC24.png?itok=xBkZKWIe 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20%40cnbc%20%40squawkbox%20%40BeckyQuick%20%40nvidiia%20%23GTC24.png?itok=xBkZKWIe" alt="CNBC Nvidia GTC 2024 Becky Quick @Rwang0 " typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /> </picture> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><span lang="" about="/user/8" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rwang0</span></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden">Mon, 03/18/2024 - 06:01</span> <div property="schema:articleBody" class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h1>New Chips, New Business Models Ahead In Accelerated Computing</h1> <p> </p> <p>Nvidia stock is up 267% YoY.  With over 10,000 people in physical attendance and up to 100,000 people virtually attending, this could be the largest AI conference. All eyes on the next wave for AI with CEO Jensen Huang ready to keynote at 1:00 pm PT at the SAP Center in San Jose.  The key things to look for in the keynote:</p> <p><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VFR7s9gh-Rk?si=C5aWWPyMD3O6xPtt" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe></p> <ul><li><strong>New B100 Chip replacement.</strong>  Built by TSMC, the new chips are expected to be advanced 3nm design.  NVIDIA will take advantage of the two dieTSMC's CoWoS-L (Chip-on-Wafer-On-Substrate-L) advanced 2.5D packaging technology to get larger processors.  Should Nvidia move from the monolithic design to a multi-chip module (MCM) approach, the chip maker could create faster derivatives and shorten its product cycle.</li> <li><strong>CUDA advancements.</strong> This is the software layer that allows software companies to harness the power of the GPUs</li> <li><strong>Key vertical expansion.</strong>  Healthcare, pharma, defense, and public sector consume massive workloads.</li> <li><strong>Partnerships across the AI ecosystem. </strong>Expect announcements from partners such as OpenAI, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google, Meta, Micron, Oracle, Super Micro, Dell, Intel, and more.</li> <li><strong>Sovereign AI growth</strong>.  Nvidia is focusing beyond data centers and serving governments for sovereign AI.</li> </ul><h1>Chips Are The Foundational First Inning Of A Nine Inning Age Of AI</h1> <p>The winners of the internet weren’t the early infrastructure companies They were the companies that built their business model on the internet as a key distribution channel.  In AI, it will be the companies that take advantage of the full-stack of AI.  Software companies will drive the second inning.  But the third and fourth innings will be the innovative companies who use AI as their core business model.  For example, in the war for refrigeration, it wasn't the appliance manufacturers that won, it was actually Coca Cola that innovated a new market for cold beverages.</p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <div class="shrink-0 aspect-ratio"> <h1>Your POV</h1> <p>Will you be ready for Nvidia's new AI chip? Can competitors catch up?</p> <p>Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com</a> or<a href="mailto:[email protected]"> R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org.</a> Please let us know if you need help with your strategy efforts. Here’s how we can assist:</p> <ul><li>Developing your metaverse and digital business strategy</li> <li>Connecting with other pioneers</li> <li>Sharing best practices</li> <li>Vendor selection</li> <li>Implementation partner selection</li> <li>Providing contract negotiations and software licensing support</li> <li>Demystifying software licensing</li> </ul><p>Reprints can be purchased through Constellation Research, Inc. To request official reprints in PDF format, please contact <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a></strong>.</p> <h1><strong>Disclosures</strong></h1> <p>Although we work closely with many mega software vendors, we want you to trust us. For the full disclosure policy,stay tuned for the full client list on the <a href="http://www.constellationrg.com/clients">Constellation Research website</a>. * Not responsible for any factual errors or omissions.  However, happy to correct any errors upon email receipt.</p> <p>Constellation Research recommends that readers consult a stock professional for their investment guidance. Investors should understand the potential conflicts of interest analysts might face. Constellation does not underwrite or own the securities of the companies the analysts cover. Analysts themselves sometimes own stocks in the companies they cover—either directly or indirectly, such as through employee stock-purchase pools in which they and their colleagues participate. As a general matter, investors should not rely solely on an analyst’s recommendation when deciding whether to buy, hold, or sell a stock. Instead, they should also do their own research—such as reading the prospectus for new companies or for public companies, the quarterly and annual reports filed with the SEC—to confirm whether a particular investment is appropriate for them in light of their individual financial circumstances.</p> <p>Copyright © 2001 – 2024 R Wang and Insider Associates, LLC All rights reserved.</p> <p>Contact the <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a> </strong>team to purchase this report on a a la carte basis or join the Constellation Executive Network</p> </div> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> </div> Mon, 18 Mar 2024 13:01:56 +0000 rwang0 23001 at https://www.raywang.org Cupertino Ray Wang Ray R Wang @rwang0 R 'Ray' Wang Software Insider Insider Associates Everybody Wants To Rule The World decision velocity Digital giants data to decisions. Monday's Musings Constellation Research Disney Q1 Earnings 2022 streaming amazon prime Apple Netflix HBO Max Paramount Hulu Discovery earnings Davos World Economic Forum WEF22 @wef @davos Five I's Inflation Interest Rates Inventory Invastion Infection Klaus Schwab CEO Boardroom Worldwide Developer Conference WWDC WWDC22 mac iOS m2 mac air Watch OS iOs16 Wall papers messages LIve Text Shareplay Maps Family Sharing iCloud HomeKit Watch OS9 health app Stage Manager Search Safari Gaming Metal 3 Facetime with iPHone rapid security response XCode Cloud Apple Park Monday's Musings Great Refactoring Economy PESTEL Nviida Siemens Metaverse Industrial Roland Busch Jensen Huang Merck Group GT Rail UK BMW AT&T Physics-Based Digital Twins Digital Twins Photo Realistic Digital Twins Omniverse Metaverse Economy Constelaltion Research Microsoft Tesla nVidia Alphabet Google Amazon Facebook Snap Meta Instagram Twitter TikTok Rule The World big tech Stocks market Fox Business @foxbusiness Varney and Co Stuart Varney Keith Fitzgerald Oracle Adobe SalesForce.com IBM servicenow Snowflake Atlassian Crowdstrike Fortinet Palo Alto Networks R ' Ray' Wang Zuora Zephr digital monetizations paywall subscriptions Identity management dynamic paywalls entitlement management mergers acquisitions payments Commerce digital transformation Chief Digital Officer Figma Disintermediate mergers and acquisitions collaboration design digital whiteboard figjam figma design process future of work Adobe XD design experience $ADBE News Analysis New Analysis MATANA Q2 2022 NASDAQ R @constellationr Insider Associates LLC intel FAANG Activision Lina Khan $69 B call of duty overwatch candy crush mergers and acquistion acquisition anti-trust FTC Amaxon aws Amazon Web Services Cloud public cloud IBM Security Roger Premo Kate Wooley las vegas reInvent #reInvent CIO CDO CTO CMO< CEO rat wang WEF Davos 2023 Sustainability DEI globalization great reset fragmentation Constellation Research Inc. event report Honyewell Upland Unstoppable Domoains Wipro Mobeus WEF23 Davos Agenda SAP Data Driven Digital Networks Market Reset DisrupTV Tech Layoffs Silicon Valley Tech Hubs Opportunity Zones Flight from California ChatGTP large language models LLM Google Bard Bard AI Bing Open AI AI artificial intelligence Stabile Diffusion mid journey DALL-E2 Softwrae Insider Silicon Valley Bank unrealized losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities. IPO Market Bank Crisis The Federal Reserve Adobe Firefly Adobe Summit Generative AI Stable Diffusion Chat GPT Creativity Adobe Sensei diffusion models customer experience content creation content velocity content supply chain ChatGPT CX Insider's Associate marketing sales service Advertising Next Generation Customer Experience StabilityAI synthetic data GPT DALL-E OpenAI Dreambooth by Google Imagen Lensa Midjourney analytics digital ads social networks digital business models digital monetization models Cognizant HCLTech Infosys TCS Tata Consulting Services Tech Mahindra Ravi Kumar S Thierry Delaporte Salil Parekh K Krithivasan C Vijayakumar CVK Vijay Mohit Joshi IT Services Global Indian Firms services Q4 Earnings Global Slow Down operational efficiency regulatory compliance automation Cyber security Contract Negotiations vendor consolidation Hexagon AB digital reality solutions Caesar's Forum customer conference mines farms industrial and facilities defense cities and nations buildings infrastructure manufacturing autonomous mobility AI Generative AI Sundar Pichai Tim Cook Satya Nadella Mark Zuckerberg #AI Risks Reinvent Futures @reinventnet Peter Leyden @peteleyden Joe Boggio @boggiojoe Jerry Kaplan @jerry_kaplan Eli Chen @elichen Eric Shaotran @eshaotran Fiona Ma @fionama De Kai @dekai123 Daniel Erasmus @danielerasmus Gary A Bolles @gbolles Dazza Greenwood @dazzageenwod Brian Behlendorf @brianbehlendorf CC Gong @ccgong White and Case @whitecase Earl Comstock Shack15 Cerebal Valley Revenue Operations Revops Revenue Intelligence Sales Enagement SFA salesforce automation Legacy CRM Next Generation CX Sales and Marketing Chief Revenue Officers Trends Canopy Chorus Gong Introhive PeopleAI ZoomInfo Aviso Boostup Clari Fullcast.io InsightSquared Kluster MoData OpenPrise Groove Marketo outreach RevenueGrid Salesloft HubSpot Microsoft Dynamics salesforce Chief AI Officer CAIO New CSuite Artificial Intellgience ML Andy Thurai Research Summary Sam Altman @sama Greg Brockman Coup Tech Wars Stock Valuation Emmett Shear Mira Murati Ilya Sutskever effective altruism Tech IPO The Boring Company Elon Musk NeuraLink Starlink SpaceX ScaleAI Reddit Canva Discord Stripe Shein Databricks ARM Startups big idea Return on Transformation Investment RTI Survey CXO Confidence WEF24 2024 trust Rebuilding Trust artifical intelligence hypocrisy elites populists Trusted Trusted AI data mastery post-AI FOMO POC Budgeted AI Data Scarcity Data Collective Dark Ages Cognitive Era Copilot finance ERP Launch Public Preview Charles Lamanna Emily He Georg Glantschnig Age of AI pyramid diamond Staffing @rwang Culture of Scarcity Culture of Abundance Decentralized Centralized Data Inc. @nvidia GTC24 San Jose Micron Super Micro dell AMD Monday's Musings: Will AI Force Centralized Scarcity Or Create Freedom With Decentralized Abundance? https://www.raywang.org/blog/2024-03/mondays-musings-will-ai-force-centralized-scarcity-or-create-freedom-decentralized Monday&#039;s Musings: Will AI Force Centralized Scarcity Or Create Freedom With Decentralized Abundance? <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20Centralized%20Scarcity%20vs%20Decentralized%20Abundance.webp?itok=tttnr6Z1 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20Centralized%20Scarcity%20vs%20Decentralized%20Abundance.png?itok=tttnr6Z1 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20Centralized%20Scarcity%20vs%20Decentralized%20Abundance.png?itok=tttnr6Z1" alt="Centralized Scarcity vs Decentralized Abundance" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /> </picture> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><span lang="" about="/user/8" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rwang0</span></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden">Sun, 03/10/2024 - 10:19</span> <div property="schema:articleBody" class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h1>Age of AI Ushers Exponential And Transformational Power In The Hands Of A Few</h1> <p>Society has often swung from centralization to decentralization and back in the distribution of power and rights.  Living in a culture of abundance versus a culture of scarcity can alter the prioritization of decisions, the quality of interactions, and the overall optimism or pessimism of a society.  AI has the power to transform societies for both good and evil.</p> <p>Take the climate agenda. For the most part, the messages have focused on authoritarian control.  People are told they can't eat meat, they need ot use less water, they have to stop traveling long distances, they need to get rid of their gas stove, they shouldn't do this and that.  Centralized scarcity allows for massive authoritarian control.  However, the objectives of a more efficient and green society could just as easily be achieved with decentralized abundance.  In Tesla's Q1 2023 Investor Day, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/live/Hl1zEzVUV7w?feature=shared&amp;t=1161">Elon Musk showed how less than .2% of the world's land area, 240 TW/h, and less than 10% of the world's GDP could be used to create sustainable and abundant energy. </a>Over 10 years, this would require 1% of the world's global GDP to achieve this sustainable energy goal.  Humanity ultimately innovates better with decentralized abundance.  The goal is to create win-win-wins across the board.</p> <article class="media media--type-image media--view-mode-default" data-align="center"><picture><source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40Rwang0%20what%20type%20of%20socieites%20will%20AI%20usher%20.webp?itok=a90XBREg 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"></source><source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40Rwang0%20what%20type%20of%20socieites%20will%20AI%20usher%20.png?itok=a90XBREg 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"></source><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40Rwang0%20what%20type%20of%20socieites%20will%20AI%20usher%20.png?itok=a90XBREg" alt="What Type Of Socieites Will AI Usher" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /></picture></article><article class="media media--type-image media--view-mode-default" data-align="center"><picture><source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20Elites%20Seek%20Centraolized%20Scarcity.webp?itok=yV8ssGBV 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"></source><source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20Elites%20Seek%20Centraolized%20Scarcity.png?itok=yV8ssGBV 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"></source><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20Elites%20Seek%20Centraolized%20Scarcity.png?itok=yV8ssGBV" alt="Elites Seek Centralized Scarcity" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /></picture></article><article class="media media--type-image media--view-mode-default" data-align="center"><picture><source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40Rwang0%20Humans%20want%20decentralized%20abundance%20in%20AI.webp?itok=viI6QNEG 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"></source><source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40Rwang0%20Humans%20want%20decentralized%20abundance%20in%20AI.png?itok=viI6QNEG 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"></source><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40Rwang0%20Humans%20want%20decentralized%20abundance%20in%20AI.png?itok=viI6QNEG" alt="Humans Wnat Decentralized Abundance" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /></picture></article><h1>Bottom Line: Free Societies Must Define Their Digital Rights Before Its Too Late</h1> <p>The rapid digitization of the physical world brings more centralized control in the hands of the few.  Many of the global elite see AI as an opportunity to impress their values at scale without checks and balances and rigorous public discourse.  Those who seek decentralized abundance, will have to work hard to battle the elites who seek centralized scarcity.</p> <p>Free societies will have to modernize their rights and privileges for a digital age and for an age of AI.  Freedom is at stake and humanity could face a dark ages without having these basic digital rights codified ahead of mass AI adoption. For countries such as the US, there is time to create a new constitutional convention codifying a digital rights built for the Age of AI.  By defining your genomics, your personal data, and your digital footprint as a property right, this first step could provide a key protection in privacy.  Other rights will preserve right that allow humans to operate at human scale in an ever growing machine scale world.</p> <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item" property="schema:articleBody"> <p> </p> <div class="shrink-0 aspect-ratio"> <h1>Your POV</h1> <p>Do you see a world of centralized scarcity or will humans achieve decentralized abundance? What digital rights should we fight for and preserve?</p> <p>Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com</a> or<a href="mailto:[email protected]"> R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org.</a> Please let us know if you need help with your strategy efforts. Here’s how we can assist:</p> <ul><li>Developing your metaverse and digital business strategy</li> <li>Connecting with other pioneers</li> <li>Sharing best practices</li> <li>Vendor selection</li> <li>Implementation partner selection</li> <li>Providing contract negotiations and software licensing support</li> <li>Demystifying software licensing</li> </ul><p>Reprints can be purchased through Constellation Research, Inc. To request official reprints in PDF format, please contact <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a></strong>.</p> <h1><strong>Disclosures</strong></h1> <p>Although we work closely with many mega software vendors, we want you to trust us. For the full disclosure policy,stay tuned for the full client list on the <a href="http://www.constellationrg.com/clients">Constellation Research website</a>. * Not responsible for any factual errors or omissions.  However, happy to correct any errors upon email receipt.</p> <p>Constellation Research recommends that readers consult a stock professional for their investment guidance. Investors should understand the potential conflicts of interest analysts might face. Constellation does not underwrite or own the securities of the companies the analysts cover. Analysts themselves sometimes own stocks in the companies they cover—either directly or indirectly, such as through employee stock-purchase pools in which they and their colleagues participate. As a general matter, investors should not rely solely on an analyst’s recommendation when deciding whether to buy, hold, or sell a stock. Instead, they should also do their own research—such as reading the prospectus for new companies or for public companies, the quarterly and annual reports filed with the SEC—to confirm whether a particular investment is appropriate for them in light of their individual financial circumstances.</p> <p>Copyright © 2001 – 2024 R Wang and Insider Associates, LLC All rights reserved.</p> <p>Contact the <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a> </strong>team to purchase this report on a a la carte basis or join the Constellation Executive Network</p> </div> </div> </div> Sun, 10 Mar 2024 17:19:19 +0000 rwang0 22995 at https://www.raywang.org Cupertino Ray Wang Ray R Wang @rwang0 R 'Ray' Wang Software Insider Insider Associates Everybody Wants To Rule The World decision velocity Digital giants data to decisions. Monday's Musings Constellation Research Disney Q1 Earnings 2022 streaming amazon prime Apple Netflix HBO Max Paramount Hulu Discovery earnings Davos World Economic Forum WEF22 @wef @davos Five I's Inflation Interest Rates Inventory Invastion Infection Klaus Schwab CEO Boardroom Worldwide Developer Conference WWDC WWDC22 mac iOS m2 mac air Watch OS iOs16 Wall papers messages LIve Text Shareplay Maps Family Sharing iCloud HomeKit Watch OS9 health app Stage Manager Search Safari Gaming Metal 3 Facetime with iPHone rapid security response XCode Cloud Apple Park Monday's Musings Great Refactoring Economy PESTEL Nviida Siemens Metaverse Industrial Roland Busch Jensen Huang Merck Group GT Rail UK BMW AT&T Physics-Based Digital Twins Digital Twins Photo Realistic Digital Twins Omniverse Metaverse Economy Constelaltion Research Microsoft Tesla nVidia Alphabet Google Amazon Facebook Snap Meta Instagram Twitter TikTok Rule The World big tech Stocks market Fox Business @foxbusiness Varney and Co Stuart Varney Keith Fitzgerald Oracle Adobe SalesForce.com IBM servicenow Snowflake Atlassian Crowdstrike Fortinet Palo Alto Networks R ' Ray' Wang Zuora Zephr digital monetizations paywall subscriptions Identity management dynamic paywalls entitlement management mergers acquisitions payments Commerce digital transformation Chief Digital Officer Figma Disintermediate mergers and acquisitions collaboration design digital whiteboard figjam figma design process future of work Adobe XD design experience $ADBE News Analysis New Analysis MATANA Q2 2022 NASDAQ R @constellationr Insider Associates LLC intel FAANG Activision Lina Khan $69 B call of duty overwatch candy crush mergers and acquistion acquisition anti-trust FTC Amaxon aws Amazon Web Services Cloud public cloud IBM Security Roger Premo Kate Wooley las vegas reInvent #reInvent CIO CDO CTO CMO< CEO rat wang WEF Davos 2023 Sustainability DEI globalization great reset fragmentation Constellation Research Inc. event report Honyewell Upland Unstoppable Domoains Wipro Mobeus WEF23 Davos Agenda SAP Data Driven Digital Networks Market Reset DisrupTV Tech Layoffs Silicon Valley Tech Hubs Opportunity Zones Flight from California ChatGTP large language models LLM Google Bard Bard AI Bing Open AI AI artificial intelligence Stabile Diffusion mid journey DALL-E2 Softwrae Insider Silicon Valley Bank unrealized losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities. IPO Market Bank Crisis The Federal Reserve Adobe Firefly Adobe Summit Generative AI Stable Diffusion Chat GPT Creativity Adobe Sensei diffusion models customer experience content creation content velocity content supply chain ChatGPT CX Insider's Associate marketing sales service Advertising Next Generation Customer Experience StabilityAI synthetic data GPT DALL-E OpenAI Dreambooth by Google Imagen Lensa Midjourney analytics digital ads social networks digital business models digital monetization models Cognizant HCLTech Infosys TCS Tata Consulting Services Tech Mahindra Ravi Kumar S Thierry Delaporte Salil Parekh K Krithivasan C Vijayakumar CVK Vijay Mohit Joshi IT Services Global Indian Firms services Q4 Earnings Global Slow Down operational efficiency regulatory compliance automation Cyber security Contract Negotiations vendor consolidation Hexagon AB digital reality solutions Caesar's Forum customer conference mines farms industrial and facilities defense cities and nations buildings infrastructure manufacturing autonomous mobility AI Generative AI Sundar Pichai Tim Cook Satya Nadella Mark Zuckerberg #AI Risks Reinvent Futures @reinventnet Peter Leyden @peteleyden Joe Boggio @boggiojoe Jerry Kaplan @jerry_kaplan Eli Chen @elichen Eric Shaotran @eshaotran Fiona Ma @fionama De Kai @dekai123 Daniel Erasmus @danielerasmus Gary A Bolles @gbolles Dazza Greenwood @dazzageenwod Brian Behlendorf @brianbehlendorf CC Gong @ccgong White and Case @whitecase Earl Comstock Shack15 Cerebal Valley Revenue Operations Revops Revenue Intelligence Sales Enagement SFA salesforce automation Legacy CRM Next Generation CX Sales and Marketing Chief Revenue Officers Trends Canopy Chorus Gong Introhive PeopleAI ZoomInfo Aviso Boostup Clari Fullcast.io InsightSquared Kluster MoData OpenPrise Groove Marketo outreach RevenueGrid Salesloft HubSpot Microsoft Dynamics salesforce Chief AI Officer CAIO New CSuite Artificial Intellgience ML Andy Thurai Research Summary Sam Altman @sama Greg Brockman Coup Tech Wars Stock Valuation Emmett Shear Mira Murati Ilya Sutskever effective altruism Tech IPO The Boring Company Elon Musk NeuraLink Starlink SpaceX ScaleAI Reddit Canva Discord Stripe Shein Databricks ARM Startups big idea Return on Transformation Investment RTI Survey CXO Confidence WEF24 2024 trust Rebuilding Trust artifical intelligence hypocrisy elites populists Trusted Trusted AI data mastery post-AI FOMO POC Budgeted AI Data Scarcity Data Collective Dark Ages Cognitive Era Copilot finance ERP Launch Public Preview Charles Lamanna Emily He Georg Glantschnig Age of AI pyramid diamond Staffing @rwang Culture of Scarcity Culture of Abundance Decentralized Centralized Data Inc. Monday's Musings: In An Age of AI, Death To The Pyramid Model, Long Live The Diamond https://www.raywang.org/blog/2024-03/mondays-musings-age-ai-death-pyramid-model-long-live-diamond Monday&#039;s Musings: In An Age of AI, Death To The Pyramid Model, Long Live The Diamond <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20From%20Pyramid%20to%20Diamond%20Bots%20Not%20FTES.webp?itok=qEs2grLh 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20From%20Pyramid%20to%20Diamond%20Bots%20Not%20FTES.png?itok=qEs2grLh 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20From%20Pyramid%20to%20Diamond%20Bots%20Not%20FTES.png?itok=qEs2grLh" alt="From Pyramid to Diamond With AI Bots Not FTEs" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /> </picture> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden"><span lang="" about="/user/8" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">rwang0</span></span> <span class="field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden">Fri, 03/01/2024 - 22:39</span> <div property="schema:articleBody" class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h1>The Traditional Pyramid Is Under Attack. AI Arbitrage Is Here</h1> <p>Most professional services firms have operated in a pyramid model where the most senior owner of a P&amp;L would have a staffing ratio of 1:3 to 1:5 and their next reports would have a staffing ratio of 1:5 to 1:10.  This pyramid structure would continue until the last level. There could be as many as 8 to 10 levels in a structure that looks like this with billable rates per hour that would correspond to seniority and level of expertise.</p> <article class="media media--type-image media--view-mode-default" data-align="center"><picture><source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20From%20Pyramid%20to%20Diamond%20pyramid.webp?itok=o8gn6idU 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"></source><source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20From%20Pyramid%20to%20Diamond%20pyramid.png?itok=o8gn6idU 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"></source><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20From%20Pyramid%20to%20Diamond%20pyramid.png?itok=o8gn6idU" alt="The Traditional Pyramid" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /></picture></article><ol><li>Managing Partner/ Senior Vice-President ($1500/hr)</li> <li>Partner ($1200/hr)</li> <li>Senior Director ($750/hr)</li> <li>Director ($600/hr)</li> <li>Senior Manager ($400/hr)</li> <li>Manager($300/hr)</li> <li>Senior Consultant ($200/hr)</li> <li>Consultant ($150/hr)</li> </ol><h1>The Diamond Is The New Staffing Model</h1> <p>As more and more work becomes automated and a range of lower-level and higher-level tasks are replaced by AI, the need for a classic command and control pyramid structure goes away. In fact, automation and AI break off chunks of the pyramid.  As more humans manage more bots, the pyramid look more like a diamond.  Workers on the bottom levels of the pyramid are replaced or even age out.  And in many cases, new product or service offerings hasten the reduction of humans as the level of automation increases.</p> <article class="media media--type-image media--view-mode-default" data-align="center"><picture><source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20From%20Pyramid%20to%20Diamond%20Bots%20Not%20FTES.webp?itok=qEs2grLh 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/webp"></source><source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20From%20Pyramid%20to%20Diamond%20Bots%20Not%20FTES.png?itok=qEs2grLh 1x" media="(min-width: 0px)" type="image/png"></source><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/2024-03/%40rwang0%20From%20Pyramid%20to%20Diamond%20Bots%20Not%20FTES.png?itok=qEs2grLh" alt="From Pyramid to Diamond With AI Bots Not FTEs" typeof="foaf:Image" class="w-100 h-auto" /></picture></article><h1>The Bottom Line: Services Firms Look More Like Software Firms In An Age Of AI</h1> <p>If one was to create a new services firm startup, the biggest target market would be the BPO business of legacy services firms.  Why? Well defined processes, established exception handling, and large contracts could all be turned into AI-driven smart services and software.  The future services firm must compete on bot efficiency and human ingenuity.  Software driven approaches will trump traditional labor intensive services. Expect AI to augment work while automation software will play a big role in operations  Services firms that fail to make this transition will cease to exist.</p> <p> </p> <div class="shrink-0 aspect-ratio"> <h1>Your POV</h1> <p>Do you expect your services firms to deploy more bots or more humans?  What's your expectation on contracts in 2024?</p> <p>Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com</a> or<a href="mailto:[email protected]"> R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org.</a> Please let us know if you need help with your strategy efforts. Here’s how we can assist:</p> <ul><li>Developing your metaverse and digital business strategy</li> <li>Connecting with other pioneers</li> <li>Sharing best practices</li> <li>Vendor selection</li> <li>Implementation partner selection</li> <li>Providing contract negotiations and software licensing support</li> <li>Demystifying software licensing</li> </ul><p>Reprints can be purchased through Constellation Research, Inc. To request official reprints in PDF format, please contact <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a></strong>.</p> <h1><strong>Disclosures</strong></h1> <p>Although we work closely with many mega software vendors, we want you to trust us. For the full disclosure policy,stay tuned for the full client list on the <a href="http://www.constellationrg.com/clients">Constellation Research website</a>. * Not responsible for any factual errors or omissions.  However, happy to correct any errors upon email receipt.</p> <p>Constellation Research recommends that readers consult a stock professional for their investment guidance. Investors should understand the potential conflicts of interest analysts might face. Constellation does not underwrite or own the securities of the companies the analysts cover. Analysts themselves sometimes own stocks in the companies they cover—either directly or indirectly, such as through employee stock-purchase pools in which they and their colleagues participate. As a general matter, investors should not rely solely on an analyst’s recommendation when deciding whether to buy, hold, or sell a stock. Instead, they should also do their own research—such as reading the prospectus for new companies or for public companies, the quarterly and annual reports filed with the SEC—to confirm whether a particular investment is appropriate for them in light of their individual financial circumstances.</p> <p>Copyright © 2001 – 2024 R Wang and Insider Associates, LLC All rights reserved.</p> <p>Contact the <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sales</a> </strong>team to purchase this report on a a la carte basis or join the Constellation Executive Network</p> </div> </div> Sat, 02 Mar 2024 06:39:26 +0000 rwang0 22990 at https://www.raywang.org Cupertino Ray Wang Ray R Wang @rwang0 R 'Ray' Wang Software Insider Insider Associates Everybody Wants To Rule The World decision velocity Digital giants data to decisions. Monday's Musings Constellation Research Disney Q1 Earnings 2022 streaming amazon prime Apple Netflix HBO Max Paramount Hulu Discovery earnings Davos World Economic Forum WEF22 @wef @davos Five I's Inflation Interest Rates Inventory Invastion Infection Klaus Schwab CEO Boardroom Worldwide Developer Conference WWDC WWDC22 mac iOS m2 mac air Watch OS iOs16 Wall papers messages LIve Text Shareplay Maps Family Sharing iCloud HomeKit Watch OS9 health app Stage Manager Search Safari Gaming Metal 3 Facetime with iPHone rapid security response XCode Cloud Apple Park Monday's Musings Great Refactoring Economy PESTEL Nviida Siemens Metaverse Industrial Roland Busch Jensen Huang Merck Group GT Rail UK BMW AT&T Physics-Based Digital Twins Digital Twins Photo Realistic Digital Twins Omniverse Metaverse Economy Constelaltion Research Microsoft Tesla nVidia Alphabet Google Amazon Facebook Snap Meta Instagram Twitter TikTok Rule The World big tech Stocks market Fox Business @foxbusiness Varney and Co Stuart Varney Keith Fitzgerald Oracle Adobe SalesForce.com IBM servicenow Snowflake Atlassian Crowdstrike Fortinet Palo Alto Networks R ' Ray' Wang Zuora Zephr digital monetizations paywall subscriptions Identity management dynamic paywalls entitlement management mergers acquisitions payments Commerce digital transformation Chief Digital Officer Figma Disintermediate mergers and acquisitions collaboration design digital whiteboard figjam figma design process future of work Adobe XD design experience $ADBE News Analysis New Analysis MATANA Q2 2022 NASDAQ R @constellationr Insider Associates LLC intel FAANG Activision Lina Khan $69 B call of duty overwatch candy crush mergers and acquistion acquisition anti-trust FTC Amaxon aws Amazon Web Services Cloud public cloud IBM Security Roger Premo Kate Wooley las vegas reInvent #reInvent CIO CDO CTO CMO< CEO rat wang WEF Davos 2023 Sustainability DEI globalization great reset fragmentation Constellation Research Inc. event report Honyewell Upland Unstoppable Domoains Wipro Mobeus WEF23 Davos Agenda SAP Data Driven Digital Networks Market Reset DisrupTV Tech Layoffs Silicon Valley Tech Hubs Opportunity Zones Flight from California ChatGTP large language models LLM Google Bard Bard AI Bing Open AI AI artificial intelligence Stabile Diffusion mid journey DALL-E2 Softwrae Insider Silicon Valley Bank unrealized losses on available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities. 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