Event Report: Metaverse As A Force For Good, Sustainability
Gain Pragmatic Advice For What's Next In Web3 and the Metaverse Economy
Much hype has been made about the metaverse. However, very few organizations have fully grasped the impact the metaverse will have on experiences, engagement, and even sustainability across the enterprise. From improving inclusion practices, to integrating climate-aware virtual environments and expanding access to opportunities; The metaverse will bring the world closer together. Learn how enterprises and brands bring their stakeholders together, customers, employees, partners, and suppliers around major use cases and contemplated approaches. Subsequently, we will understand why the physical presence and 3D digital presences will emerge as an unifying force for good.
The Wipro hosted panel will bring insights on the future of interfaces, what use cases will gain traction, what standards are needed to move forward, where the metaverse will play a role in sustainability, and how organizations can get started.
Join the esteemed panel moderated by R "Ray" Wang, Chairman of Constellation Research, Inc. with:
- Sandy Carter, SVP of Unstoppable Domains
- Dirk Lueth, Co-Founder & Co-CEO Upland and Chairman of OMA3 (Open Metaverse Alliance for Web3)
- Srini Pallia, CEO for Americas 1 of Wipro
- Mike Sutcliff, CEO and coFounder of Mobeus
- John Waldron, SVP and Chief Commercial Officer of Honeywell
DATE: Tuesday, 17th of January, 2023
TIME: 5:30 PM TO 7:00 PM CET
LOCATION: Wipro Pavilion at Promenade 74
The Bottom Line: The Metaverse Moves From Hype To Pragmatic Use Cases

With the metaverse, where we work, how we learn, who we engage with, what we buy, who influences us, and why we exist will be massively transformed. As physical and digital worlds converge, the metaverse economy provides a frameshift from the 2D digital world to a 3D digital world.
Constellation expects the metaverse to be a proxy for humanity’s aspirations. In this time in which individuals, organizations, and governments reassess their priorities and technologies to advance what an individual can achieve, a great refactoring of our plans has arrived. The metaverse is an exponential technology that will be used to empower our ambitions. And as with any new exponential technology, the technology may be used for good or for evil.
Hopefully, the principles of Web 3.0 ensure that decentralization returns power back to the individual and the creators of value. During this Great Refactoring, expect the metaverse economy to play a key role throughout the decade in accelerating business models, meeting expectations, and improving the human condition itself.
Your POV
Done with the hype of the metaverse? Ready for a pragmatic approach? What use cases are you pursuing?
Add your comments to the blog or reach me via email: R (at) ConstellationR (dot) com or R (at) SoftwareInsider (dot) org. Please let us know if you need help with your strategy efforts. Here’s how we can assist:
- Developing your metaverse and digital business strategy
- Connecting with other pioneers
- Sharing best practices
- Vendor selection
- Implementation partner selection
- Providing contract negotiations and software licensing support
- Demystifying software licensing
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