Trends: What Can Software Vendors Do To Reduce The Cost of Ownership?
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So as I'm thinking about what to write for this week's Monday's Musings, I thought I'd poll the twitter universe on what software vendors could do to make things easier during the recession. Here's the current twitter stream of thought and thanks to all of you who emailed! (last update 11:26 am GMT - 8:00):
rwang0: Contemplating what software vendors can do to work with customers to reduce the cost of ownership in a recession. Any ideas?0 more results since you started searching. Refresh to see them.
thetravelingCMO: @rwang0 At the risk of sounding like a mktg hack, we have put together specific offerings from our portfolio that reduce mtce costs by ~20% amolbharti: @rwang0 let's also consider tcu (total cost of usage) along with tco (total cost of ownership) check this adrianionel: @rwang0 - share operations best practices, share reliable cost benchmarks, offer inexpensive health checks for tech & ops amolbharti: @rwang0 increase software license total cost by 10% and decrease total cost of usage by 5 to 10% including training and support costs etc.. charlesrathmann: @rwang0 Online user groups to get solutions to problems without paid consulting and phased implementation to spreat out cost. David_j_rutt: @rwang0 Sell the package with one year onsite support to train staff and knock out bugs. Should cut IT staff issue having everything inhouse
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